Laughable Idiots

You like your neighbor hood classy? Then you best remove your petty, rude, intrusive and illogical self from it, you sir, are not classy, you’re whiney... Is he cooking meth in it? Is it rusty and ugly? Is it on blocks with expired tags? Do neighborhood kids sneak in it to get high and perform satanic worship and

He bought the piece of land already, regardless WHERE in the world he bought it, he did... Maybe he likes it there, not in the country, that’s HIS FUCKING RIGHT YOU IDIOT! How can you NOT use the it’s his property he can park whatever the fuck he wants on it reasoning? People like you are why kids need safe places

Um, you answered the stupidity of this in your reply... HE OWNS A HOUSE, and HE OWNS A TRAILER... So he keeps HIS trailer at HIS house... IF he parks it in YOUR driveway then you can complain... I got neighbors with ugly kids, can I get a petition to keep them indoors so they don’t fluck up my neighborhood? Wow, petty