
Maybe not 20-30% over asking, but pretty much. We just closed on our house a couple of weeks ago, and there was hardly anything on the market. We got into a small building war, and paid a little over asking (really more than the house was worth in my opinion). I've got friends who are looking for a house as well, and

So, the main "pro" is that it's immediately digested? Why does that matter? If I get my vitamins in 5 minutes or in 2 hours, what difference does it make?

But you weren't consuming all of that by juicing either. What's left behind isn't just fiber (fiber is good anyway). Juicing doesn't magically extract all the nutrients. Plus, why would you want to try to consume as much as possible by juicing? If you're concerned about vitamins and such, take some vitamins. It'll be

I tried juicing for a couple weeks a few years back. In my opinion, it's pointless.

Yeah, I don't get that one either. According to the insurance company, it would cost $190k to rebuild my entire house from the ground up (~2,000 sq ft, including basement). I'm not sure how a bedroom+bathroom could possibly cost $122k.

Is it even a buyer's market anymore? It's definitely not in Denver.

I always liked VI/VIM. EMACS people are strange.

I don't like these, never have. So, anything over $1k is CP for me.

I might check that out, although I've been kind of disappointed with the Lego games in the past (and I'm not really into super heroes). But it sounds like it might be worth a try!

Yeah, I was kind of confused if I was mixing up my terminology or something with "gated shifter." Didn't seem like that big of a deal to me...

Since we're telling stories, there was a guy in my neighborhood when I was teenager that had two!

I actually didn't even realize that was an option in Saints Row (I only played one of them, and I can't even remember which one it was).

I could not agree more! I'm married, and most of my time is spent at home with my wife. I have a PS4, and the only game she can play with me right now is Tiny Brains, and that was $20 and only lasted a few hours. And when I have friends over, I want to be able to play games with them. The idea of everyone bringing a

I did something similar (though far, far lower in quality and depth) when I was maybe 11, with each player using a different part of the keyboard for their controls. Even now, at 25, my friends and I will occasionally pull it out and play it just for the laughs. It was called Ghetto World. At the time, that title

Well, I never really played Metroid, so maybe that explains my inability to describe it properly!

Huh, interesting. I guess maybe it's a "first love" sort of situation. I was just taken aback by Demon's Souls, because it came out of no where. So I had really high expectations for Dark Souls, and maybe I remember Demon's Souls through rose-colored glasses.

Yeap! It's I-70 through Glenwood Canyon.

Oh yeah, don't get me wrong, I am dedicated to savings. About 1/4-1/5 of our total income (after taxes) goes into savings. But 4 years is a huge amount of time. That's 4 years of rent that's not going to anything. 4 years of inflation. 4 years of home prices increasing. 4 years of mortgage rates increasing.

I agree 100%. I haven't been able to figure out how to describe the game to friends successfully. I can never seem to accurately describe what I love so much about it.

Play Demon's Souls first. To me, it felt more refined (though not as large in scope) than Dark Souls. Once you're hooked on Demon's Souls, then play Dark Souls, then play Dark Souls II. Basically, if you play Dark Souls II first and end up loving it, then you're going to want to go back and play the other two, but