Zero Gravitas

It’s frustrating, I know. At the same time, the arguments are getting so sloppy that it’s kind of encouraging, in a way! The argument used to be that the gap didn’t even exist. But study after study has made it apparent, so now the argument is, “well...well...women SHOULD be paid less because they have baby-makers.”

Time Travel is bullshit, Morty, whole scene is full of gamblers and scam artists. You wanna bet on football? You wanna win the lottery? Wake me up when I give a shit. And you go back to tell yourself about a Basketball game, and bam! you’re in a Hitler timeline. Let me tell you, Morty, there’s a whooooole lotta Hitler

Well he doesn’t have great contributions to his field, his publication record is worse than most grad students.

That was my thought as well.
Dude needs to stay in his lane.

Maybe he should stick to physics, then, and not say science-y sounding stuff about disciplines he doesn’t know jack about?

Bernie “the guy who marched for civil rights, got arrested for it, and grew up in Brooklyn” Sanders? You might want to go watch any of his Senate speaches over the last 25 years.