
So... how long until Superman III sues Office Space for meme theft?

There hasn’t really been a worthwhile Republican in office since Eisenhower

What do you think, McCarthy, can you give me a number crunch?

“The video poured* over the design goals and delved into why the studio best known for Metroid Prime was interested in making it in the first place”

This isn’t an IP law thing.

As someone who was basicaly born with 8 bit nintendo controller in hand I’m really tired of nintendo’s bullshit. 

Mr. Miyamoto’s Mario Megacorp Mention Makes Man Moan Maniacally

I don’t need a factcheck to realize this is a joke, but apparently a lot of Facebook aunts and uncles do.

I miss my childhood of not realizing that Nintendo is kind of a shit company.

It kinda just seems like most major Japan-based game companies actively hate their fanbases, but that seems unlikely. What is more likely is that Japanese intellectual property law is so absolutely turbo-fucked that anyone engaging with the IP outside of approved, carefully manicured channels is perceived as a threat.

Didyouknowgaming does what Nintendon`t.

Woohoo! Fuck Nintendo!

The absolute definition of “small dick energy”.

Seems he’ll be going to prison precisely because he has a hard time letting teenagers go.

I would say that there is some poetic justice in this scenario. Thank you Greta, you got that miserable POS to out himself. Delicious!

Imagine being SO INSECURE that you blow up your whole criminal enterprise because you can’t let a comment from a teenager go?

I liked when he played a fictional version of his own father on That 70’s Show (which might’ve been his first tv acting role, not including wrestling).

Pretty much sums it up for me. Doesn’t this guy have any work to do like.. at all? Even just performative?

All told, Musk has tweeted, retweeted, or replied on Twitter more than 50 times in the past 24 hours.”

Dude seriously needs to get a life. That’s really just pathetic.