
So...Minimum Security Resort Prison, or Federal Pound-Me-In-The-Ass Prison?

To be fair to Rep. Huffman, the Republican Party have been a massive bunch of Leeroys since about 1994

Basically what I’m gathering from this comment section is that old, rich, suited executives from Kyoto think that they know International IP Law Disputes better than their lawyers, which tracks for old, rich, suited executives from anywhere, really.

Listening to someone who knows more than you do about a specific

As in, ran over it so closely that you could feel its pores (like in your skin, where pimples form and hair follicles are rooted). 

So they decided that they had to draw the line on The Artist somewhere eh

That’s rly gross. Congratulations Lost Ark producers, you win the Human Piece Of Shit Award today.

I am now adding “absolutely turbo-fucked” to my lexicon. Thanks for that. :D

You’re actually wrong; Jesus should have written Camilla a letter saying “Dear Sister,


“This, that, the other thing.”

“Over there, thataway.”

“Way after the day after tomorrow.”



Streets of Rage, technically speaking, is a Police Simulator, albeit not a very realistic one, as the last time I checked, “Flaming Dragon Uppercuts” was not one of the things you learn at Police School

Just my two cents

“LEASE ON LIFE” Goddammit

If anything I’m impressed by his grace in announcing it, cuz that’s some pretty bass-ackwards studio shenanigannery, having him announce it back in October, and then turn around and tell him he’s canned.

Seems a classy dude. Sure he’ll get more work.

And now you can buy Immer-Shin-RA-Guards for only 45,000 Gil

The Snow in FF6's Intro makes me want to play it every year, right around the time wherever I happen to be living gets its first big snowfall.

“a little bit of an Italian accent when hopping across the floating blocks.”

I hate to be particular about details but we are gamers and it’s kind of what we do. That is an Italian-American accent. And there are over 100 dialects of Italian, in actual Lo Stivale itself. My wife is from the North and can’t understand

All creatures will die and all the vacuums will be broken. That’s the law of the Samurai.

How many fucking typos are in this article Jesus, are you drunk