
Do yourself a favor and go listen to the episode of Wait, Wait Don’t Tell Me with Henry Winkler. Apparently this whole story line was a result of his mother nagging him by letter to tell the showrunners that he has other skills they can use - like water skiing. He ignores her forever because how the holy eff are you

Can someone please explain to me what Morwenna’s sister is up to? I assume her intentions are honorable to help poor Morwenna, but ugh, girl, there’s got to be a better way.

It saddened me to see so many people commenting in the other story that they don’t believe Takei’s accuser, even when they believe accusers in other cases.

That’s great that you can still be a part of derby even if it’s not how you’re used to participating. Good luck!

I had to go back on meds recently and with the shooting in Texas I’ve felt super paranoid about people knowing I have a mental illness. It’s scary because some well meaning people try to downplay it as “It’s only depression not like serious.” It is serious! My brain thinks killing myself is a viable answer. I’m

I celebrated five years sober on Wednesday. It still feels surreal sometimes. My daughter wrote the most beautiful, touching note to me. It was the sweetest thing I’ve ever read. Been a rough week emotionally, these sexual assault revelations are super tough and bring up a lot of stuff. Hope everyone is doing okay.

I know what you mean. This is very triggering for me too but when I found out he was found guilty, I literally screamed in joy. One rape victims justice is all our justice. We are together in this. Peace and love.

So I had these friends, a married couple, and the husband got arrested for child pornography. So obviously, everyone cut ties with him. His poor wife on the other hand, we were there for her and now she’s moved on and filed for divorce and all that and eventually will be fine. The husband’s family, though. That was

I’ve kind of avoided this story for triggering personal reasons, so this is the first time I’ve read it. I’m crying for what that girl and her family have been put through. I hope they find peace and healing.

I also think it speaks to the standards we hold women to when they make accusations against powerful men. Leigh Corfman’s not being an angel consists of having been married three times and having messy finances. I might not take love or money advice from her, I suppose, but there’s nothing about either of those things

There are parents in 2017 who would say the same thing (hell, Courtney Stodden’s parents did say the same thing a few years ago). Not all parents are sensible or sane, and predators are very good at finding victims.

Thank you. I am getting very tired of people pretending that guys who were born in the late 40s and early 50s, who until just a few years ago were part of the culturally dominant generation, are somehow old men trapped in some weird medieval time when nothing resembling our current morals applied.

It breaks my heart when women talk about how they never came forward about the sex abuse they experienced as children/teenagers because they weren’t model citizens in life - as if those extremely fucked up experiences didn’t have any part in making a “normal” life more achievable for them. Maybe you weren’t an angel,

I was 16 in 1979. Let me make it clear: it was not normal for teenagers to date 30 year olds. It was not the custom of the time, it was not in any way acceptable. 14-year olds dated other 14 year olds — maybe a 16 year old. I had 30-something guys hitting on me at 14 but it was and remains creepy as fuck. I probably

I think we can all agree that this is probably the least surprising of all of the recent revelations.

I have no idea why, but this story made me think of Love Actually. Off to listen to Joni Mitchell and be grateful I’m no longer with my cheating, gaslighting ex.

Oh my god, I can relate to this. Went through his phone when he went to the bathroom cause he had been pretty damn bad about hiding it earlier that day. Bam. Most recent text convo.

Maybe if you didn’t blame the victim, we wouldn’t all hate you.

her 39-person bridal party

I honestly didn’t know Japan had the death penalty.