
Doug admiring his reflection post-mask. EXCEPT! There is no reflection, because Doug’s a vampire.

Let’s be clear though — that advantage was with old voters. Millennials and under-40s were either heavily pro-Bernie or split, even among nonwhites.

The fact that Brazile still has any position within the Democratic party signals the ongoing Dem clusterfuck and doesn’t bode well for the future.

Giving control of basically the entire DNC to one campaign is basically rigging it in favor of that campaign. Once Hillary controlled the money what reason would she have to give any of it to Bernie or O’Malley?

It’s obvious the DNC thought it could auto-pilot once the RNC trotted out its nominees.

You know you’re in real trouble when the Playboy organization thinks you’re too creepily predatory to the point where they want nothing to do with you.

He’s raped two friends of mine. He is a monster.

Well Will & Grace is back on tv so it was bound to happen.

You shouldn’t talk about sex at work.

I am running out of fucks to give today.

Years ago (like about 20) I worked with a woman whose young son would stop by the office a lot. He was a sophomore or junior in high school. Anyway, he told me a really creepy story about Kevin Spacey coming on to him hardcore at some DC Clinton dinner-type event. The kid’s parents were connected somehow and rated an

I can’t imagine that this is the first time that these two have done this.

I am finally hopeful. I feel this could actually happen (and whoever did it, is amazing.)

Anthony Rapp is over a decade older than I am, but even back when I was a kid my gay friends were hooking up with much older men off of Craigslist like it was the most natural thing in the world. It’s infinitely disturbing that his mother didn’t care, but maybe this is what she was alluding to? I mean, any mother who

This is the reasoning he gave to Buzzfeed - the only reason anyone can continue to get away with this behavior is because people are afraid to speak up, so he decided to be the one to speak up. It’s incredibly courageous of him.

I’m not surprised but disappointed in myself for not being surprised. It was a pretty open secret that Spacey cruised for men (right? I feel like I’ve read this often on the inter webs - not rumors of him being gay but that he would actively try to pick up men in like steam rooms and the like; please correct me if I’m

God. Everything is terrible. I feel terrible for Anthony Rapp and for all the other likely victims. I feel terrible that there are people who knew these things and didn’t do anything about them. And I feel terrible because there are homophobic losers all over Twitter delighted that a “hollyweirdo” is getting what’s

Here’s a Reckoning I can endorse unequivocally

This has got to be the weirdest year in history for presidenting.

Thank you, I loved reading this.