
The river of time ran dry.

Snape's totally that guy that stays bitter because he "totally got friend-zoned, and he was SO nice to that girl but she had to run off with an asshole. Whatever, she's just a MUDBLOOD anyway."

I'd go back further and make sure Bush never became President. I can't see 9/11 happening on President Gore's watch.

it has a bit of a firefly feel to it. this could make a good series.

Actually, she picks the beta male, then tells him he's a really nice guy and she just wants to be friends.

If they'll cheat with you, they'll cheat on you.

And still, the entirety of the right wing will pretend nothing is happening. I showed the DOJ report from yesterday to a friend, and he insists that Obama has loaded the DOJ with yes-men who will lie about climate change.

DAVID: Begin scanning, please. ...This is where the fun begins, Saavik!

Don't worry, they'll be on this like white on rice with misinterpretations galore!

Look, man, not every single scientist in the world agrees that global warming is happening and therefore it isn't happening.

Another backlash that started more recently - try googling Berman/Braga and see what turns up. That one was deserved, though, I think. Especially once Voyager got going.


I, for one, am all for leaving before it gets REALLY hot...

thank The Lord that global warming is a myth and we can burn fossil fuels forever (I live in Louisiana and people actually believe this)

And 2015 will be hotter and 2016 will be even hotter and...

Liberal, secular, leftist propaganda! All lies! It was the coldest summer ever an dit's getting colder. An ice age! An ice age is coming. Science is a lie meant to enslave humanity. Reject academia. Reject knowledge. Accept Truth.

So the game pretty much confirms, at least to my eyes, that movie will wormholes as the means exceed the speed of light. Which while cool enough and I'm sure Nolan took pains to depict wormholes accurately, I guess I was a little disappointed they didn't use something like the Alcubierre metric instead.

The Aerowing or Aero Shuttle. The detachable light craft, part of Voyager's design since day one, that was never used, acknowledged, or explained as to why they built a whole new ship (TWICE!) instead of just using that.

I grew up in Southern Arizona. I can't tell you how many times I fell asleep to the sound of coyotes howling.

(Preferred cat habitat pictured below)