
Yes, because you can never have twins of a multi-racial couple where one is black and the other is white and blond...

A lot of people blame hormones in meat, dairy & eggs for precocious puberty - especially in girls - I don’t think that’s been proven at all, but as hormones *are* important in triggering puberty, if they were the *right* hormones and in the right amounts at the right time and they were absorbed by the human body, it

The book actually address the very concerns that you brings up - in quite long and descriptive detail. There are people working on the project who *know* it will just fail in it’s current form, but they have limited time and are just doing this just to give people on Earth false hope that while they must die, humanity

I’m sorry if all you got out decades of sci-fi Geekdom, Mr. Pegg, is comics and cartoons (not to knock those things, they can be really good) but you know what I got out of it? 1984, Brave New World, A Clockwork Orange, Slaughterhouse Five, Animal Farm, We, The Giver, etc. Also, I don’t *just* read and watch Sci-Fi

Maybe in 136 years they have finally cracked immortality...or extended longevity...

I have some friends - students and volunteers - who helped develop the Galileoscope...and it’s pretty cool...I’m just a bit disappointing that the cost has risen from $15 to $35 to now *$50*. I am told that it’s a matter of production costs being higher than expected...but the original idea was a good, *affordable*

I have some friends - students and volunteers - who helped develop the Galileoscope...and it’s pretty cool...I’m just a bit disappointing that the cost has risen from $15 to $35 to now *$50*. I am told that it’s a matter of production costs being higher than expected...but the original idea was a good, *affordable*

....with a dash of The 100 and a lot of Lord of the Flies...

There are anti-matter particles in a banana - but people eat bananas without exploding, That’s because the amount of anti-matter is just like one positron every 75 minutes vs. BILLIONS of whole atoms of regular matter. The phrase “cloud of antimatter” is just a wee bit misleading...I mean, it was a cloud of

And some whales pretty much gang-rape females...which has lead to the males having tremendous competition-created gonads internal) to try to wash out the previous male's semen (yes, some whales are into sloppy-seconds) - the whales will actually cooperate to gang up on a female - but it's really just a kind of

"He's really not that into her" - nice double-entendre!!!

I the 90's the UofA was planning the Mt. Graham telescope - and I was young and experimenting with the Green Party (I even got on local news) - and there was a big controversy over the effect of an endangered species of squirrel (which is now *thriving* since the scope was built - in fact it's numbers we *up* last


You *THINK* that T-Rex and I-Rex will have a boss showdown in the movie? Come on, it's so obvious that's gonna be a big part of the finale battle! Hell, that's 1/2 of why I am seeing this movie - that, and to watch Chris Pratt ride off to battle on his cool motorcycle with his support vehicles and team of *AWESOME*

Funny how she's "a racist" and everyone hates her for how she treated Data - but McCoy called Spock a "green-blooded son-of-a-bitch" and it's all "lovable banter". I disliked Pulaski at first too, but years later I appreciated her more - her deep respect for Klingon culture - and I always got the feeling that, maybe

Thing is, octopi, squid and cuttlefish (none of which I eat anymore if I can avoid it) have been found by science recently to be surprisingly intelligent creatures (so are pigs, and I am *trying* so hard not to eat pork anymore) - so this is the seafood equivalent of eating a live parrot. I don't want my animals

Yeah, octopi, squid and cuttlefish are actually very intelligent this would be like eating a live parrot.

"Intersteller" was right! (Except the corn will all be gone too!!!)

Oh goody....more continuity issues for the X-Men series! Well, I guess since the timeline was changed, now its supposed to be okay....

Thanks for the replies bellow, and sorry I almost never reply myself - busy, and sick at the same time - but speaking of time, THIS has deep implications for the idea of "Free Will" too - as in, *another reason* why "Free Will" *has* to be just an illusion...

What is Spacetime?