
Spinoa was right I think. (From what little I have read about his ideas.) You CAN NOT HAVE TRUELY "FREE WILL" unless you believe in mind-body dualism - in something magical that exists in the human brain that acts *above and beyond* the basic laws of physics and electro-chemistry that govern the meat/chemical brain:

When I got to the excuse for having live potatoes aboard...I remembered that NASA not only *does* irradiate* all food sent into space - they would *HAVE* to have irradiated the potatoes to last all the way to all the lauded scientific accuracy of the book went out the window for me...would have been better

SciFi say that this *prints* nano-needles in *seconds*....

PRI/NPR’s most recent Science Friday Just had a story on a new ultra-fast *liquid*-based 3-D printer that uses UV light to shape the objects (from UV sensitive polymers) and *prints* nano-needles in *seconds*. In Greg Egan’s book “Terranesia” patches with the Canadian series “Deepwater Black”?

But - has anyone tried this new dating technique on Lucy yet!? Maybe SHE is older too!?

I *LOVE* pocket watches! I love old *and new things - I like pocket watches - and new phone watches. Fountain pens and Fisher Space Pens. Old leather-bound books and ebook readers. I have a 25+ (or more - they were in an old optical shop basement for *years*) year old pair of ArtCraft metal round glasses frames with

A trilobite fossil at about 1/2 a billion yours old. (Or 600 if you ask a Creationist, LOL.) And a 100+ year-old copy of “Gulliver’s Travels” found in an old Illinois small-town house attic my evil ex-mother in law bought for my ex-wife - there was also a copy of “Alice in Wonderland” I wish I had - and a *whole box*

Maybe you can identify my species? And you named yours *too* - mine is “Frank”! Great pets, better than a pet rock - don’t eat much.

I have one too. About the same size and color. I’ll post a pic later, since not sure of the species - but we are talking about 1/2 a billion year on most, right!?

Ditto. (And what about the Unit Moonbase mentioned in The Sarah Jane Adventures episode "Death of the Doctor"!?



Now playing

"So there's a "matriarchal science"!? (Because women HAVE been underrepresented in science...but to say that men and women see the owd differently...almost sounds like sexists who say that men are better at science because they think more logically - and women are more emotional/intuitive - so *bad* at science.)

Now playing

The 1992 movie "Mindwalk" based on "The Tao of Physics" author Fritjof Capra's "The Turning Point" (well, some of the ideas in it.)

It was a movie that when I was just learning about physics, as *soons* as I knew it was showing I *ran* off to see it that night then after, went downstairs got a ticket to see it again.


They lost me when they used to old WAY OVER-USED trope or artificially aging the alien-hybrid child...that goes back to freakin' "V: The Series"!!

IT ENDED!? Did it at least have a decent resolution!? Probably NO RESOLUTION - I am guessing...

Sorry io9, I dunno what your problem was with it - but it was hands down *FUNNIER* than "The Big Bang Theory" (which I started out as a fan of until it got repetitive and the only character to show any growth the the repulsive womanizer!) This show was not only *FUNNY* - but talk about*breaking the 4th wall* - THIS