
I wish that I could find a clearer pic of the ORIGINAL 1980's version of Carl Sagan's "Cosmic Calendar" from the first/original "Cosmos"- it was a special effects *MASTERPIECE* for its day!!! (Anybody have one!?)

Carl Sagan's "Cosmic Calendar" - and Neil Degrasse Tyson's update of it...

HEY, FORGET *JUST* COMICS - I FOR ONE THINK THAT WE *DO* NEED ANOTHER "DOCTOR WHO" SPIN-OFF NOW THAT "TORCHWOOD" and "THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURE ARE GONE - to have something Who-ish during the *looong* breaks between Who seasons/series - SO WHY NOT THESE FOLKS!?!? *I'D* WATCH IT!!

Farting cows?

Sam Keen (in "Fire in the Belly: on Being a Man") was right and my feminist lesbian Wiccian friend was wrong - men are NOT inherently violent and men inherently peaceful, "and if we just let women run the world then there would be no more violence or war!". Heh, yeah right Ever see 2 women *fight*!? Plus it's *sexism*

Can I get a BIGGER ONE with my *FORESKIN* and *FRENULUM* BACK!?!? (And will Arizona Medicaid (AHCCS) pay for it - or will I have to lose the one I have now in a terrible blender accident - which sounds like it's very painful - and AHCCS probably *STILL* won't pay for it - cheap as they are! They won't even cover

Cool...but I would have to go back to *Florida*. *bleck*!!!!

In light of Climate Change, we may want to drag these plans back out...

Magnets, how do they f*cking work!?

We have a female German Shepherd named "Laika" - oddly enough, she *came* with the name!!! But we doubtleswould have named her that *ANYWAY*!!! (And as soon as we went topick herup, she *ran* right towards me! She lives with my (odlest, biological) daughter in Flagstaff now. But I miss her. :(

Just a *small* sampling:

Jacob Bronowki's "The Ascent of Man"
Carl Sagan's (and Ann Druyan's) "Cosmos" (when I was 10)
Carl Sagan & Ann Druyan's "Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors"
Carl Sagan & Ann Druyan's "The Demon Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark."
Richard Dawkin's "The Selfish Gene"
Peter Atkins'

Oh no, I *totally* REALIZE it...*doh*.

I KNOW!!!! *headdesk*

You left out "socialism". ;)

My too - I catching a ride with the Dolphins...