
Of course, as a friend of mine just reminded me:

"And of course Texas text books are the ones that are often used as boilerplate for textbooks for much of the rest of the United States. That's why it's even more important to get this misinformation removed from those books. In educational publishing, as Texas goes so

Even if thy don't give a flying frak about the fate of the PLANET and the kind of world that they are leving their grandchildren - do they even care how the future will *view* them. (I think that their graves should become nationally protected sites, where future generations can come and *piss* on them...)

Moron. But don't let bad and fake science stop you...

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety" - Ben Franklin

In the Late, Great, Iain M. Bank's "Surface Detail" The Culture went to war over virtual hells. Though I don't see much point in virtual Hells (or Heavens) because all you are doing is creting *copy* of a dead person to suffer - you are not punishing the original person - nor offering any real disincentive for them


I have warned people again and again - squirrels are out to take out place. Don't trust them! (Back when "TLC" used the be "The Learning Channel" -they and/or Discover used to showthese annual special - one about fruitcake around X-mas - and this very VERY SCARY one about just how smart squirrerls are. It was,

Well I think that even the trees were a bad move, and that no one should ever have left the oceans!

I live in Arizona - and Tamales *ARE* popular - and *GOOD* - though I prefer the "green corn" kind (masa, mild green chili, and a white Mexican cheese kinda like mozerrella - some people leave off the cheese, unfortunately.) The "Sonoran DOg" is gaining popularity here too (but Google eat - it's too like to describe,


What do they eat here!?!?

So some people want to make the finale of nuBattlestar Galactica a reality!

Not just that...but one culture, one race. I dunno, maybe by the time you discover interstellar travel, you have survived long enough to become a homogeneous global society!? (Or, lazy writing?)

And now, available in *bread* form!!! :)

They called it "One Night" because that's about how long you can expect to live after downing a bottle of this stuff.... Still, if definately *is* a "Party in a Bottle"!!! I'd call that a fun Friday or Saturday night!!!

Only problem is that opiates are *very bitter* - so bread made out of these might not be the tastiest...(of course I imagine that the plan is to use the yeast in *pharmacutical* production...)

Can we get a yeast that makes Klonipin too!? Or maybe ALL THREE!? :) (Plus Alcohol, *of course*.)

It is *easy* the genetically engineer yeast - *High School students* do it for national *competitions* - and on Science Friday and TED I have heard *rumors* of a GM yeast that makes *THC* - but now one that makes *OPIUM* to - this is too much to ask for!!!

Wasn't the Sea Troll in the first couple of books from a world with giant snake wrapped around it!? I imagine that Pratchett's Discworld universe is FILLED with all sorts of animals carrying worlds around - and yes, probably even *whales*!!!