
So if I *BADLY* want to get it on with that cute redhead holding the dog in the pic in article, does that make me a person who's into beastiality!?

Well, collataral damage aside- which he *can* be forgiven for - he not only saved the planet in MoS - but we have no idea how much time has passed between that film - maybe *years* - and Superman may have done a *LOT* of good since then.

Like; "Remember that time Superman stopped that sungrazing comet that astronomers

Add this too "Serenity 2" and "The Golden Compass 2: The Subtle Knife" to the list of sequels that I want to see but NEVER WILL (at least in this timeleine.)

I think Brett Ratner may still be available...

Wait, so all Fundamentalist Christians in the world dissappear overnight...gone for good...and this is supposed to me a BAD thing?!?!?

This is about how I imagine it being....

My new hero!!!

Well, when the science predicts changes - that ARE NOW HAPPENING - THAT COULD IN THE NOT-SO-LONG RUN *COST* US _TRILLIONS_ IN INFRASTRUCTURE DAMAGE AND LOST OF HUMAN LIFE AND CROPS AND DISLOCATED POPULATIONS (insurancre and fod rates through the roodf, etc)....I dunno, it may just be worth it - *literally* WORTH

Yeah, but look at how they butchered his novel "Flash Forward"...!!! (A *LOT* of new high-concept hard scifi-based series in the pipeline...I wonder how many will make it to production. Because a *LOT* were in the pipeline LAST year too...and I don't remember seeing many of them actually on TV...)

My two oldest (teenage) daughters would probably like to know more about their "*HORRIBLE F*CKING PERIOD CRAMPS!!!*"....



Is Hiro's last name "Protagonist"....? ;)

Some TL;DR stuff I wrote on my Facebook wall - and remember I am *NOT* a physicist or even a sceintist, so am likely WRONG 0n a lot of things...if some masochist DOES read so with a BOULDER on salt (and maybe a shot of tequilia!) :)

Of course Star Trek-style Teleportation and Quantum Teleportaion are two very

A good question - but if I am not mistaken, quantum info is unique, and can't be copied - and is...disappeared...when it is "teleported" something unique and uncopyable (at least more than once) is..transfered...from place to place. And what are we is NOT the information that makes us up!?

What this means for the

6. Kim and Kanye

Danke' (I should have known!)

"Kevin"!? LOL. Seriously, i too wanna know what this is from!?

Ditto. I just hope we don't have to wait another 35 years for the *next* "Cosmos"....

This is the final voyage of "Cosmos" for the *series* - not the season - Seth MacFarlane has confirmed on Twitter that this version of "Cosmos", like the original 80's "Cosmos", was over conceived as a 13-part miniseries. (Why it's not on Fox's schedule next year.)

Maybe if the show had gotten mega-good ratings (it

My just turned 19 year-old oldest child/oldest biological daughter made this. (I think it looks like a young Carl Sagan - be she and everyone else say it's Lego fan art....)