
Can't stop the signal...

As soon has she didn't reciprocate his confession to her...he should have taken the air tank back. There are, after all, other fish in the sea.

But does it work if BOTH partners have cute British accents? To the scientist chick, he just sounds like an normal average guy...

Darker than my ex-mother-in-law's heart....?

I wonder if there is a "FREE THE DROIDS" movement in the Star Wars Galaxy...???


Good point - on Krypton - there were just normal mortals. Although I guess with Earth's yellow Sun, they *STILL* might have retained their powers - but why not Kryptoform *Venus* *and* Mars (same yellow Sun) and rule the humans or Earth as slaves. Also, "Man of Steele" Zod was dumb...kind like Star Trek '09's Nero...I

Even if Khan was only recently dead - why would his blood not have worked! And too bad Spock and Kirk Prime didn't have a sample of Khan's blood to revive Spock in "Wrath of Khan"!!!

I have made fossilized cookies before...but not on purpose...

And the back of the watch is a calender...(so the watch has basically two faces...)

Hey, you never know. Best to be prepared for *EVERY* contingency. And maybe the Pentagon knows more than they are letting the top secret research into using something like the Rage Virus as a bio-weapon...

I only notice that you *started* ignoring "The Big Bang Theory" - you used to cover it a lot. (And yes it is now a hot mess...but it used to be good-ish.) "The Neighbors" you never gave it a chance...and not everyone agrees that it is/was bad...I know quite a lot of scifi people who watched it and enjoyed it. So which

Yeah I read a book on lucid dreaming after reading an OMNI article and pretty much thought "ULTIMATE HOLODECK!" - but I had little control...and couldn't make the sex babes appear...and spent s lot of time just trying NOT to wake up....

We need a Robotech movie that closer in style to NuBSG...but a but less dark. (Face it, they are *very* similar stories...giant battleship...home to the last of the humans...relentlessly hunted by for that they must eventually join with and make piece with for the survival of both...and space fighter jets....)

I feel the same damn way.

can't get this URL to work...seems incomplete....

Hope you have a safety so the claws can't open when your fingers are in the way....

I SERIOUSLY *NEED* a pair of these for walking home to my neighborhood in Tucson at night...also, I can become Tucson's first legit Superhero...

Maker House in Tucson Arizona (also check out Xerocraft and BICAS) has an aquaponics project they are starting - and always looking for people to help...