As amazing as the P1 is, I prefer the MP4-12C. I'd start selling crack to my friends if the MP4-12C came with an honest to god manual transmission, you know the one with the 3rd pedal and the movey stick thingy in the middle.
As amazing as the P1 is, I prefer the MP4-12C. I'd start selling crack to my friends if the MP4-12C came with an honest to god manual transmission, you know the one with the 3rd pedal and the movey stick thingy in the middle.
Do we really need another RX7? IMO the FD was the perfect send off.
Changing my objective riiight nooow
Something about the sound of an OHV V8, sexxy.
haha I see what you did there
what was seen cannot be unseen
What do you guys think? Do the kids really suck at keeping their cars in shape?
Every time I see one of these front-drive beigemobiles tooling around, particularly with some kind of NASCAR tie-in, part of my soul dies.
First, you must start by racing an actual motor vehicle. I recommend go-karts. This seems to be where about 90% of professional drivers start racing. If you’re 34 and reading this, your chances are… slim. But put your kid in a go-kart and coach like hell.
I approve
so wrong, yet so right.
...As much as I love genitalia..
Must be a catholic-ran organization.
I love G-Bodies with a passion and I cannot figure out why they put that ridiculously horrendous rear glass on the car.
I can't stop laughing!!
back when women were women.... goodness
<troll>This is the 1ZJ pic from wikipedia....</troll>
somewhere throwing rotors like ninja stars as it detonates.
When I can blow one up and replace it for $500 and a 12 pack of Coors, I'll listen. Ford should have stuck to the 302/351 ohv design.
Hammy working on his Proust impersonation eh?