
The NX is a portable. Why do people even expect the NX to be comparable to the PS4 or OBox One?! The writings on the wall. Nintendo is moving to portable first. They know that they do not have the ability to fight evenly so they are focusing on portable, where they still are king. They are not making a new home

The NX is portable, not a console. In fact, the Wii U may have been the last traditional console from them.

No, you left a lazy jab comment in the first place and when someone called you out on it, you then actually articulated. “Leaving a trap” or not, you should own up to your original comment.

No Monster Hunter Generations?

Fire Emblem: Tokyo Mirage Sessions

They also want variety. I hate feeling compelled to give every single game a try or once over because you feel like you’re on a deserted island.

N64 total library: 338 games

What niche? The Vita failed because it DIDNT have a niche. Sony itself sold it as a me-too device. Sony made no effort to distinguish it from their consoles and just ported/created light versions of the same console games for the system. It was basically competing with its bigger brothers right out of the gate along

Yes, most console players only have one system. We gamers, who comment on gaming sites are really the vocal minority when compared to the mass market, really.

It did fail because of games, lack of 3rd party specifically. Right now, they are sitting at about 150 games in total since its launch in 11/2012. People don’t want a console without a half-decent library selection. Nintendo admittedly had a hard time creating new games in a timely fashion due to the learning curve of

If they had released it with the PS4, which has awesome remote play instead of the so-so PS3, it would have been on more peoples radar. They also didn’t make software specifically for it to play on its strengths like the touchscreens. The Vita really didn’t have its own identity (same mistake with the PSP) to

Nintendo can’t compete to be the third me-too box. As a company, counting net worth and workers, they pale in comparison to both Sony and Microsoft. Even if they made a beefier console to attract hardcore gamers, online multiplayer/online interactions would have been their next huge obstacle. Also their target

The NX is actually a portable that can be docked for a TV connection if the recent news is trustworthy. So it looks like this is the 3DS successor and a traditional console is no longer coming out. They will be selling a docking unit that upscales to an HD TV. This is all speculation at this point but does seem to

This company is far from done. They still have tons of bank because of the Wii success. They still own the portable market, even though it has shrunk because of mobile.

If the recent NX is true, it looks like they will be leaving the console market and focusing on a portable with a living room upscale docking station. So it looks like they will be leaving the console market (which is probably best at this point) and focusing on portable first. The portable market is still viable in

But its a spin-off. It’s not a sequel. I could see the worry if it was a full blown sequel. Also, Metroid Prime was a dramatic shift from formula (of the original 2D play style) and it was well received.

Better than nothing has been Sonic’s motto since anything after the Genesis days.

I beat both only once. Even with the fast forward, the story didnt grab me enough to bother going through the other choices. I gues I fasll into the third category: Those that are on the fence as the previous were ...alright.

It’s MS corp you should be blaming and not their gaming division. MS corp is shoe-horning the console into a PC. If they were looking to turn around the XBone, then this was the worst mistake to make as it’s done nothing but make it less important.

This is MS trying to invigorate the PC market more than the XBone. I really don’t see a reason to buy an XBone in this scenario. I’m a PC gamer and I have a PS4 and this certainly gives me no reason to go to the XBone. If anything, it makes me consider just going PC in the future if there aren’t any exclusives that