The basic (and imo, generous) package is free and imo is just like dropbox with an extra goodie being the flash player integration. I don't think it's a con— I could imagine some scenarios where it'd be useful.
The basic (and imo, generous) package is free and imo is just like dropbox with an extra goodie being the flash player integration. I don't think it's a con— I could imagine some scenarios where it'd be useful.
I feel the same way too. It seems like the labels just wanting to find a way to get revenue off it, and that's coming from a guy who likes to remain unbias and believe there's an objective in cases like this. I mean aside from the flash player integration, this is just like dropbox or saving an attachment in gmail…
@zenneth: As Sidetalker mentioned (with sarcasm), the counter really did increase app sales. My initial evaluation when I learned of the counter was that it'd take ~60-70 hours from Wed to hit the number (linear, range obtained by modest increases as time got closer). Having something check and grab data for me…
@secretpizzaparty: It'll work until supply exceeds demand for those metals, thus driving those prices down. And assuming the time and cost of melting and preparing the metals are cheaper than the initial 62% excessive demand for the metals (the bottom line).
@Ricorich196: Since the processing is done by the TV, it's not (in theory, shouldn't—and this can be elaborated on later) discriminate on what image is inputted unless it differs in resolution (720p vs 1080p), but even then it'd still be comparing apples to apples.
@Justin: You used last year's prices while I used this year's 64GB iPod Touch and iPhone prices buddy. Of course prices have gone down but not the point that it's in Apple's (or their shareholder's) best interests to start manufacturing them and selling them as it probably doesn't meet their margin requirements. …
@vinod1978: Because there were initial claims that the contour display's "unique" architecture would reduce glare and improve readability and such. Of course, first impressions couldn't back this claim and now we know why.
@pagan_god: I think I heard in a podcast or some sort of interview with someone at Google in regards to untagged image matching that they don't intend on making that a product any time soon. They want to leave it to security firms and of the sort to provide that type of functionality.
@Justin: I'm trying to say if an inferior technology such as SD flash memory is already at those prices and not even available to consumers at the capacities and speeds close to non-SD-based flash memory (32GB microSD capped at 10MB/s for $80-100, no 64GB option available yet at that speed), imagine how much less cost…
@Justin: There's a clear difference from flash storage via SD cards and via flash memory on devices like the Apple line up or (to get into PMPs), the Zune.
Oops double posted and I'm not sure how to delete it.
If I had to choose an Android phone, I'd tap that...
@RacecarBoobTat: Aquapac and several other manufacturers make waterproof cases (hard and soft) that usually come with arm straps for stuff like your iPhone. I have one for music on smaller surf days. And yeah you can use your touch screen with most of these. You could find it on for a decent price (the…
@kusotare: 35,000 compared to how many millions of handsets out there?
@matt buchanan: @matt buchanan: Seconded for Matt. Sure it can be easy but some geeks don't have time to wait for everything to sync up with their phone.
@Saxon_P: He didn't say it repeated ad infinitum. The same way a ball doesn't bounce for ever, the bouncing will stop eventually as kinetic energy drops over time.
@Serolf Divad: He's referring to the screen real estate gain from the higher resolution.