
Only if you have your thumb in your ass and you’re looking to be annoyed by dumb shit.

Don’t you think that this has already been spoiled in its entirety by mentioning Terminator 2 and having a screenshot from the molten metal in the Forge area of Doom? Having a spoiler warning after that seems like it’s a bit too late.

I find it remarkably strange that on Nov. 26, the day after Kennedy’s state funeral, at about the same time that Lady Bird Johnson was being taken on a tour of the White House by Jackie Kennedy in preparation for her imminent occupation, the White House opened its doors to show a movie for some school kids.

I’m kind of torn here.... I feel for the guy that was “duped” into subscribing to a service he was told he’d NEED to listen to the new album, but on the other hand, he’s also a Kanye fan.

Otherwise, big respect for True for not just being in the #1 spot on the ladder but being brave enough to play with his real nickname.

I fully support Benzies in this... unless R* decides to release RDR for PC. If that happens, then I fully support R*.

Welp see y’all in 12 years for the decision.

This happened to me today - but without emojii...

I’m really trying to feel bad for him but I don’t.

Good. Wish more countries would hammer down on the anti-consumer antics of digital store fronts like Steam and many others.

So instead of finding faults with their products and working toward making a better one, they’re going to cry foul over the lack of objective reviews. Seems about right.

Yeah, at home it’s mostly porn. At my parents’ house, it’s so I can check my Gmail without logging them out of their Gmail (or Dropbox, OneDrive, etc).

I sometimes use it to log into a different account on a site when I’m too lazy to log out of one I use normally.

There’s only one reason people use incognito, so no one will see their porn history. and for that it works just fine.

11. Thou shalt keep subtitles options in the video section


9a. Thou shalt not have a "Press Start to Continue" splash screen before thine menu. It serveth no purpose, and doth only make thine game seem like a port performed with no effort. Taketh some pride in thine work and enact it correctly.