
At least they’re not Sonic, who doesn’t even pay minumum wage because they classify their people as “servers” like in a restaurant where you can give tips.

What’s really amazing is that people follow a McDonald’s twitter account in the first place to see the tweet.

Yea, cause saying Lord Dampnut is a bad man is really “woke” when your corporation refuses to pay its employees a decent salary, badly mistreats them, and makes them work regardless of their personal situation at the time.

Gamer friend who played it: Didn’t really like it because of some of the things you mentioned. Reads/listens to every line of text

a youtube gaming personality isn’t related to gaming?

It’s not even so much that. If you don’t want the people you work with to suffer the consequences for your action then you should probably not do dumb shit in the first place.

Yes. And the reason for that emphatic “Yes” is the fact that to him its just ‘some jokes that you disagree with’.

I’m ignorant on this, don’t watch his channel and this is the first story about this I’ve read, but let me understand.

Well done. How very original, edgy, and pushing the boundaries. Anti-Semitic ‘jokes’, so fresh.

That statement is missing a couple instances of ‘innovative’, ‘disrupt’, and ‘engagement’, but with a few tweaks I think that kid will be ready for his SXSW speech.

Damn, it always sucks when this happens. Best wishes to those being laid off.

If you’d have told me five years ago I’d be using Minecraft to benchmark my system I’d have spat.

Thanks for sharing this.

I currently work for GameStop. Yes, COL is a huge part of our business. However, if someone wants a new game, I’m gonna give it to then. Some customers prefer to purchase preowned so they can utilize the 7 day “Like it” guarantee. Why not have the extra security, if the game sucks, return it for full money back? I

Actually, a lesser reported story is that North Korea just did the same thing in response. Except they used Battlefield Bad Company 1 footage.

It’ll work, and some fans will go “insane”—but they’ll get over it. The alternatives are simply too distasteful and a disservice to the franchise.

I thought about the Dumbledore thing too, but in Leia we’re talking about one of the most iconic roles a woman ever portrayed in cinema. Won’t work, fans would go insane.

What about just replacing her with another actress/actor whatever. They did it with Dumbledore. Controversial? Replacing actors has been happening since Bewitched...maybe longer but my age doesn’t carry that far back...

It’s a message about diversity.

Minecraft porn? People are searching for Minecraft porn? I should not be, and yet I am surprised.