Its about time he stopped milking that long dead rotting cow.
Its about time he stopped milking that long dead rotting cow.
IMO, Tjorb’s turrets should get nerfed on PC too. If the current counter for a single characters ability is a co-ordinated team, that means its OP. The 360 instant lock on is what bothers me. Whats the point of flanking, when the moment i pop into view, i get gunned down?
Frantically searching for the Monty Phython reference...
Never played Banjo-Kazooie (?), yet backed this a year ago. I simply adore the art style and the return to old-school game design elements. Not to bummed about the delay. Its not like there is a massive deficiency in games to play.
I remember this game receiving a huge backlash in Israel. Im surprised it has yet to be taken down, honestly. There is creating a game with a certain message in mind, and there is just plain racism.
It was a pretty week delivery IMO as it was foreshadowed so hard. And yet I couldn’t be happier. And I totally agree with the one who posted “The princess bride” quote, I myself was shouting TRUE LOVE at the screen :P
Fei and Casey always put a smile on my face.
I just beat Ceaseless Discharge for the first time. Underleveled and overwhelmed. Giant Lava Bro beat me to the ground more times than I can count.
Man...These are amazing.
Ive absolutely no interest in this game....
R&C was the sole reason I bought a PS3. I was (and still am) a huge fan of the series. Spent most of my childhood playing the PS2 games (Over and over and over). Really excited for this movie.
I moved to the us at around 4 years old, and having not knowing anything and barely speaking english, got convinced to trade my charizard for a cacoona. A fucking cacoona. I wanna go back and slap 4 year old me.
Its weird hearing NSP sing actual, not comedic songs. Im gonna buy the album for sure though.
If i want a video game based show, Ill stick with Immersion, thank you very much.
I remember inventing my own yugioh cards, but this takes it to a whole new level! Its amazing what a childs imagination can bring forth.
Please. The real MVP here are the Cicadas.
Just reached level 17. While writing that comment I was level 12~13. Im giving it a chance, but so far Im still pretty disappointed.
Was looking forward to this game, but so far, its very bland. The combat itself, the pride of the game, feels less action oriented than other action mmos. Some attacks feel...weak, unresponsive.