
@Matt0505: Because in the first place people were skeptical with an all-touch phone by Apple. Only AT&T is willing to 'host' iphone at that time. Apple had no choice.

Two centuries? I thought the world will end in two years.

No more scratches line, no more correction fluid. Yay!

@vovvinril: That's only because Foxconn has been in a lot of news lately. Or else I don't think they will give a damn.

An accelerometer, a pedometer, now a barometer. I wonder what's next, a thermometer?

She later died from injuries after falling on the net? What is the use of installing the net then?

its creepy... yet fascinating...

@PoG: omg, this is wrong, this is just wrong.

Let me get this straight. If I don't jailbreak my phone, I could accidentally came across a dangerous pdf file on the net which could let someone gain access to my phone.

@Samuel Wat: ps1 is the modified smaller version of the original playstation. The first playstation comes out in 1994.

So human triumphs against the machine.

Give an infinite number of QWERTY-shoes-monkey an infinite amount of time, and one of them will eventually stomped out a work of Shakespeare.

@Zordon: Yay! Vote up for Triceratops, vote down for Torosaurus.

This problem wouldn't exist if the conveyor belt is slanting downwards, not upwards.... maybe?

I think I just got claustrophobia after watching the video.

@dave_t: Same here, even if the article had said ctrl p, I would still confuse.

@pz: Wow, are you a psychic or what, I did consider buying iphone instead after reading this article. I guess I will do some more research regarding both OS.

Doesn't android warned us when the app is going to access the phonebook, messages, etc? I plan to buy an android phone, now I am getting worried.

I smells conspiracy...