
You didn't sound judgy.

Press X to Jason

That's how our cat ended up being named Shepard, no joke.

Excellent post, and thank you for sharing.

Nope, not even close. Went on it last year.

You DON’T KNOW she didn’t say no! Would you just fuck off already?! Christ!

Yeah, every once in a while he just has a total melt down and is inconsolable. The calming spray + water additive did noooothiiiiing so we’re always looking for something new. I can’t thank you enough for the heads up. We know he’d never get adopted if we put him up, better for him to have somewhere safe to be a spaz

We should ban grandmothers! Also good god that’s stupid.

They even have warnings on the damn things to not give them to kids unless supervised. The ones with the coconut piece centres are so amazing though <3

MELATONIN. Oh my god, I’m looking into this. THANK YOU

You did the right thing. We have a cat with a mental issue but is physically sound. He is food obsessed and wants to eat around the clock, but is already somewhat chunky, and obviously feeding him whenever he wants doesn’t work. We tried free feeding but he will empty a bowl, throw up, and then beg for more, and

My boss JUST did this and didn’t hire the guy. It happens.

I never went to those parties as a teen, was 21 and three months before my first glass of wine, have never smoked or have had any sort of non-prescribed drugs, but my parents are STILL disappointed in me :D Parental disappointment knows no boundaries (especially when you’re gay!).

She called herself an asshole 50 times during the damn thing, what more do you want?


I have bright ass blue hair, I never had a chance.

I’m going through this right now. I have a bulging disc and was ignored by multiple doctors for weeks until I finally just drove to the ER because the pain (shooting pain in my legs) was too much to bear. Physical therapy has been helping and I’ve had two epidurals so far, but being told “Opoids won’t help, take a

I work in IT, have for 13 years. This is my first job ever where I'm not the only woman in the department. I have to work at least twice as hard to get noticed, and when I do make a mistake, people come down on me twice as hard than the guys in the office. No one says, "Is this the helpdesk??" when a man answers the

There's several types, but FGM can mean as much as removing the clitoris and clitoral hood, as well as sewing the labia shut so only a small hole exists for urination/menstruation. They are then cut open on their wedding night for sex.