Zero Gravitas

My fiance’s legs are small from 4 years of not being able to walk as a teenager. He works out his calves like you won’t believe and mine are still bigger. So how about you go fuck yourself, you judgemental asshole?
Every time we hear “Chicken Legs!” at the gym I really just want him to crush them between his densely

Considering there have been cables by reputable manufacturers that got the ol’ “Amazon shipped shitty Chinese variants labeled as the real deal” treatment, yeah no. I am not going to risk frying my phone for a deal. $9 risk vs $350 phone to replace. not happening.

Considering there have been cables by reputable manufacturers that got the ol’ “Amazon shipped shitty Chinese

We seem to be arguing about nothing. All I’m saying is it’s worth a consideration. That’s it. That’s all. I’m not telling every digital nomad to get on a sailboat and circumnavigate the world. Who pissed in your coffee?
I know a lovely astronomer couple who cruised throughout the Bahamas for a year and a half, grading

I personally find living in a house that I can move to any coastal area to be a fun experience well worth the costs (monetary and otherwise), and considering I’m not restricted to just the continent (unlike an RV), more flexible. Being docked at a marina gives most of the comforts of home; it’s a studio apartment with

It’s worth noting that if you’re a digital nomad, living in an RV or sailboat and traveling that way is a viable option (and cheaper, depending on where you want to go).

Created an account just to agree, what’s going on? I’ve been waiting for a sale on one of these bad boys...

Created an account just to agree, what’s going on? I’ve been waiting for a sale on one of these bad boys...