
Why wouldn’t aliens be religious zealots too?

While I woluld have preferred a beefier actress, Im am sure Gal’s body will be the least of the problems with this movie... its a DC movie after all

Exactly.... I’m with you!

Is that George Clooney´s Batman?

So you really buy it as a mobile device? I will buy mine as a console. No batterie issues then.

Nope. to stat with a functional two player setup, you can use the included controls and play a two player game. So its 299 + 69

I can see when Iron man is punching someone, and enjoy their fights.

You dont get it. The moment he stop using his superpowermovinginwater thing, he should stop differently than someone flying in air. Water is much denser then air, as you should know, so things stop differently in it. Its about how realistic movements feels, no matter if its a fish, a submarine or Aquaman

I assumed the dock would have (should have!!) a extra processor to make games work better im a higher resolution and fps...

This is clearly not for hipsters, they cant share using it on social media, because it have no social media capabilities....

Lack of imagination is what makes you see no use for this phone.

Exactly “back in the day”.

Only if you have never seen an 80's phone

Totally, 100% doubt you can text faster on a number pad. Unless you are totally unaware of how to use a touchscreen keyboard (predictive text and all)

Its too weird that the video made me kind of hungry?

Anyway, ghosts are suposed to be a paranormal mystic ocurrence, not a cientific one, like god, vampires and miracles. If they existed they wouldnt be testeable in a cientific way.

Wrong. Its not basically a joke, and it is a prediction (with cientific evidences) that can save thousands of visits to the doctor. Not a roll of a dice.


So sad... still wearing my loved Pebble Time.

It is, but only while walking on even and horizontal plane.