
War Machine strongly disagrees with you...

If he gets more dense, when smaller, how can he ride a bug?

I disagree. On android you have to practically learn how to make the question beforehand. Siri is much more natural.

Funny, to me he is one of the weakest villians instead. Nice motivations, but the overly complicated plot, and totally 0 probabilities of an ordinary man to execute such plot was probably the worst part of the film to me.

If it is not the sound itself, but the connotation of the meaning, would you asume that it is not a English speaking thing, but an universal one. I have never hear somebody having a negative reaction to “humedo” in a Spanish speaking country.

The same can be said for most foods..

You should try the Pebble then. 5 days or more of battery life.

It is an hologram, it represent a 3d object, that you can imspect from every angle by changing your point of view. It is not just a stereoscopic image (as the nintendo 3ds).

But the effect was lost if you moved your head. This display makes a stereooptical image, that can be seen from different angles, and represent the 3d object from such angle...

Interesting, rotor blades are made of wood...

The Apple Newton Joke was making fun of the not perfect handwriting recognition of the device.... The joke didn’t predict anything, it was making fun of an existing device and its faulty feature.

Next big hollywood film:

They are not the same, similar but not quite the same. They have very distinctive taste, similar but noticeably different.

Apple is making a dual mode/layer screen, one mode in full color, full HD, as we kmow it, and another B/W low res mode, for always on and low battery mode. Hence, designing b/w icons for when this mode is a logical move.

What!!!? He is alive????!!!

First? Greedo didnt shot at all!

I am almost certain that the Death Star is not a real thing...

I saw him as the worst part of the movie. Too random and too generic for him to plan and execute that plan...

Worst-villian-ever, even more random than the Mandarin from Iron Man 3.

May be because I am not a native English speaker, but I though “handy” had another meaning... that does not look a “handy trick” to me.