
As a very happy electric unicycle rider is very sad to me that this low quality items are tarnishing the reputation of all electric personal transporters. Electric unicycles are fun, practical and environmental friendly way to move from A to nearest B.

I have dreamed of water skiing like that since child. I love living in the future!!!

Nop. Thats not how you are suposed to rinse.

I dont know you, but I brush my teeth 3 times a day...

I can safely asume you have never created anything of value.

The title needed to be understood by everyone. And at this point, nobody is confused about the term. No body though the article was about flying boards....

Surely those investment managers would invest in Apple stocks, being one of the most profitable company in the world...

My galaxy cost me exactly the same as an iPhone.

Probably, but that is so easy and obvious that it will be just “meh” of a revelation.

“Even if the real Snoke is human-sized (and man I hope he isn’t)“

survive a gunshot?

Well this will kind of will happen in the actual show. We all know the new reverse Flash (Zoom) is Barry’s dad from earth 2...

Its difficult to translate a passive medium to vr, where the viewer can look away with out control from the creator...

He-man and MotU could be a GREAT franchise of great epic movies. Just forget the cartoons, and focus on the original mini-comics. Make him the Conan the Barbarianish it was meant to be originally, in a world where magic and tehcnology colides...


And you know this because?

Kids may not see it, but remember This was made by adults not kids

Wird title...

as practice??

A Jedi cant be wrong? They could believed that there are no more Jedi, and then be surprised when a bunch of them appear a few years later