
Yeah, a PC that needs some exotic drivers for Windows...

You just posted your comment “just because”

You havent seen that much cartoons lately. There are lots of great contemporary cartoons...

Melon and liver are probably the only 2 things I cant eat. And I have a very democratic taste, loving most food people would never even think to eat...

Once Upon a Time... Since episode 2

“The first”??

Before the prequels I loved that detail. It gave us a sense of a much larger universe, with stories not yet known...

The problem here are not patents, but copyrights

Not really. Pure water is kind of blue, just not very blue. The more water you see though, the more blue it gets. Is like how glass is green when you stack mamy sheets of it, or look through its side.

Do you realize you haven’t answer any question made?

Wow... Are you mad or something?

Yeah, I was thinking so... But it seems very weird... Precolombian cultures I would have understood...

Sorry, but check again.

Its nice to do the things that you enjoy with out caring what others thinks of you. Take my advice kid, you’ll enjoy life better.

It is NOT that the justice system is broken, or that there are to few policemen on the streets. The root of those problems is the EDUCATION system. Better esucations means more and better jobs, a good moral formation deters crime much more than fear.

still bullshit, I have kissed some Panama ladies in my time...

Simpler is not the same as “simple”.

Lol, I though the conversation was already over...

That image is very misleading, the photo perspective is all wrong because the high zoom