Anthony Strand

Nicholas Briggs's greatest role yet!

It's also not a pop culture spoof or celebrity appearance!

Since the subject of voice work in the late 90s came up, I'm disappointed there wasn't room to discuss Disney's Tarzan. She's absolutely amazing in that movie. During their first meeting, Jane has to go from frightened to baffled to intrigued to excited, and Driver completely nails it.

That is false, because Gene Siskel swooned over his ability to play an Everyman, and Roger praised his talent too.

Craig is similar to all Doctor Who viewers in that way.

Heh. I guess it's just such a benign thing for him to be. The Tonight Show didn't affect me in any way, so I started to reserve strong emotions for things that did.

Wow! You just beat me!

Baseball star Michael Jordan.

I hated Jay Leno for a long time, and then I realized that he was really great at his job. It's just that his job wasn't to be funny for comedy fans. It was, in fact, to get laughs out of people who don't enjoy actual comedy. People who don't think about the concept of comedy. The target audience for The Tonight Show

Right, plus Jenna Coleman that one time, where Craig talks about losing his virginity near Blackpool.

Wow, yeah. That would actually be a great gig for him.

Yeah, that's really a shame. He hasn't been on to promote Doctor Who at all, has he? Just that one appearance when In the Loop came out?

He might be obviously gay, but also he's openly obviously gay.

Yes, me too!

There is nothing better than Kristen Bell appearing on Ferguson's show. When she went on there back in 2005 to promote Veronica Mars, I'm sure neither of them expected her to become the Charles Grodin to his Letterman, the Don Rickles to his Johnny Carson.

It's truly a delight to see Noel writing about an old TV show.

Casting idea: Waad Mohammed from Wadjda as Violet.

I've been married for 3 1/2 years, and we have a kid, and I'm still sometimes surprised that my wife finds me desirable.

I've never seen any of Tati's movies, but also I have almost no experience at all with non-English-language film comedy. This release seems like the perfect time to correct that.

It's exactly like the UK.