
The girlfriend’s like a double victim. First of her boyfriend’s dumb and arrogant decision to pass over double lines and then of the car driver’s dumb and arrogant decision to slam into the bike. I hope she survives and sues both their asses.

I am a wedding vendor with hundreds of weddings under my belt. I can honestly say that the weddings like your sisters are just as fun, enjoyable, beautiful, and memorable as the weddings where they go all-out on expenses. People want to hear good music, laugh & dance, and eat good food. You don’t have to spend a lot

Pro Tip: Order your flowers wholesale (there are a million online suppliers) and put out an ad on Craiglist for retired florists to help you & your friends arrange them for a smaller fee a couple days before the wedding. You’ll save a ton. They may look a little droopy if you can’t keep them cool and hydrated, but

I am a wedding vendor - I own a company that rents pole tents, in fact. The reason I don’t list prices is because I don’t know how much your tent is going to cost. At least not until I know your venue, the tent’s location conditions (flat ground? rocks? 1/2 mile from any road? 10,000 feet up a mountain?), what time of