
Argh, I’m so fucking tired of the “we have to respect one another! I respected Obama!” argument!


Haha I was waiting for that too, but actually, it started raining right as his speech started, so maybe that’s something?

Dude, it’s not about the “one guy we don’t like.” It’s the elevation of white supremacy to the mainstream. It’s Steve Bannon in the WH. It’s the validation of the absolute worst of America, that we’ve been struggling with (as the article points out) since the fucking beginning. Donald Trump is just one guy, and he won

Hippos kill more people per year than crocodiles. They’re strong, enormous, and and enormously territorial.

Every day, I realize more and more that I am fundamentally unprepared for the forced evacuation of thought and reason from the highest levels of our country, and I’m extremely angry because I feel as though I can do nothing about it. I wish I had money to donate to all the organizations I care about and rely on, but

lolol a good joke comrade.

I wonder if he understands that different cultures “practice humanity” (for lack of a better descriptor of cultural differences) differently than him...? Kinda feels like he doesn’t.

Man, I totally understand how a person would think that, but (forgive my liberal elitist talking-down for a mo’) damn, that’s a stupid worldview. Like, how could you not want the smartest people making decisions?? I’m pretty conceited, but I’m not conceited enough to think that it would be better to have people as

“..the CNN book, I hear it’s doing well.”

....which just goes to show what a profound failure our public education system has been to these types of people. Good thing we have someone in power who can fix it! Oh wait.....

^^This very much. I’m marginally hopeful that in 3-ish years there’s a bit of integrity left in Washington, enough to kick him out if he refuses to budge, but I honestly don’t know. I wouldn’t bet a cent either way.

At this point I’m starting to get nervous about an impeachment, because if enough of the GOP in congress still marches in lockstep with whatever he’s twat, they might think that a majority do want him in office. It’s not like facts inform their decision-making processes or anything.

It’s true, and as a resident of the state, it breaks my heart a little. I’m in a relatively liberal college town, of which we’ve got 3 or 4, but the problem is if you drive a little ways out from any of these bastions, you first run in to retired affluent apathetic whites (who vote republican) and then further out you

The ACA is going to be the first in a series of sticky, sticky decisions GOPers have forced themselves into making over the next *however long trumpywumpy’s influence sticks around in conservative gov’t*. They’re well and truly fucked. From a public image standpoint, if they do the things they say they’ll do, the

Now now everyone, remember the second amendment! if memory serves:

No no, you’re fine! Like I said, I don’t really know, so thanks for clarifying.

I admit my WWII knowledge is not extensive—I remember reading analyses, though, which suggested that US involvement certainly expedited its end, but was not necessary for a guaranteed Allied victory? That may or may not be so, but even reasoning like that leads to weighing impact by quibbling over theoretical body

Wonder if it has anything to do with her being a woman.... She’s probably seen as more of a liability due to her sex, which is bullshit, because, y’know, Sessions.

Wait, seriously??