
If it really is a bad ground, often that alone can make the ECU look bad even when it isn’t.

You’d really think that this sort of conduct would have been discovered during the vetting process.

You could always make the PT into a cargo trailer.

I’m glad my suffering brought you entertainment

This works for me.

Today Show? We are SO IN with the 64-72 Year Old Female demographic, it's not even funny. Doug, I hope you're not in any serious relationships, because the floodgates are about to open.

Seriously, tell her to call me back.

Thank you for your continued existence, thank you for addressing this issue and I would thank you to tell Jason to stop calling my sister! Also that swim trunks are required in the pool area.

I too had a PT Cruiser, which I had to use through a Michigan Winter. It was a rough winter for me, as Pat (the PT) didn’t have ABS, was rocking aging All-Seasons, and had me at the helm. That was the winter of 2014, the really crazy one. I replaced my PT with a 5-speed 2003 Subaru Forester that very summer

I stopped reading once the photos loaded. You win, simply because no matter what your traction is like, you were still stuck in a PT Cruiser. As the former owner of a PT Loser, I understand the pain you felt on a daily basis.

Like ultra-thin condoms for robots.

Congratulations to KomradKickAsson for COTD! For your troubles you will receive a sample what Chevy would like you to believe Ford uses in their truck beds:

MUCH better than last week.

I’ve got a friend that has an FJ that makes a point of rescuing stuck Jeepers.

I thought a jeepers worst nightmare was being rescued by a toyota

I.... I.... I like it better that way :(

Is Jalopnik TV still a thing, or did Hulkster ruin that, too? You really need to subject yourself to a spoof of "Hoarders" featuring Raph and Mike doing an intervention. OK, maybe Matt and Mike. Raph would break character and stop feigning concern for your "problem."

"You're in a ‘50s era, say, Studebaker, a big heavy car..."