
110% agree. Self driving cars will allow people to pay 100% less attention to the road.

Any story that involves a pt cruiser and misery needs to be shared, lol.

Woo! I made the cut!

But the plot thickens, the ‘08 PT Cruiser PCM is vin specific, so it’ll have to be reflashed from either a new one, or a refurbished one. I’ve looked into it. The majority of the price tag is the reflash itself. Dealerships do it for >$700, but if I go through other non- official channels, I can get it for ~$200. But,

Let’s see, this was three winters ago, so the same winter I think. I’m a native Michigander but I spent 5 years in Florida, which is where I got Jolly Roger (the pt). Like I said, it was my first winter back, and I’m told it was probably one of the worst in years. I did two winters in the pt, until the pt kept having

The pt cruiser wasn’t that bad, lol. All you had to do is take the backroads and drive like a maniac. Seriously, I made the car fun to drive because boredom. Also, it was my first car, so any and all car ownership impressions came from this car. It’s a good beginners car when you have no expectations, lol.

If I have to pick just one.... I’m heading to work during my first winter back in Michigan. By this time I’ve already had two other winter accidents in the past few months.

What about a swarm of pigeons? Are they ok?

10/10, would watch.

We need more posts like this, what cars to certain government officials or celebrities drive.

Poor corvette...it did nothing to deserve this...

The Catholics in my high school enjoyed Creed. They seem to be the only ones though...

....brunettes are better... *biased*

Here’s a few more suggestions:

Dress them up in hats, have them test the comfort of the seating, etc.

Cats, I'd like to see cats with the cars. Just saying, cats are awesome. Moody, but awesome.

Nice! I’m (apparently) one of the few who actually like the Dart. my dad-in- law has one, and I thoroughly enjoyed driving it.

....I think she's cold...

Wait, hold up. There was a big O movie?!

What are you talking about? This is simply level 2; we got enough exp points to go to the next level, that’s all. No more slimes and crown vics for us.