
Perfect! We might be getting somewhere now folks!

If it’s colder the car won’t overheat easily. It’s science!

No, that can’t be the answer, it’s too obvious. We have to make the real answer be as unnecessarily complicated as possible. For science.

Ha, who needs heated seats?

Then am I the only person who doesn't have them then? By golly, am I that poor?

Ha, I believe it. There isn't much there! :D

Hopefully you didn’t respond on s phone that was plugged into your car. Because that would be like, negative energy or something.

I like this answer way better than the bike answer. I just think someone commuting through traffic on a horse is an amazing idea.

Wait....I think you're on to something here....

A fuel efficient race car!

Genius! So lightweight no one will hear it on the road.

But it’s not using the car battery! Fuel efficiency! Or something....

You can kill tauntauns/deer and use their body as a sleeping bag. You don't even have to burn anything. That's a win in my book.

So to be truly environmentally conscious, I need to not plug in my cell, never turn on my headlights, disconnect the daytime running lights, and forget the A/C even exists, got it.

It was beautiful, *tears of joy*.

Poor girl is confused and washing herself. Also, wedgie? Ouch.

Huh, I have the same plan, I use it as my sole internet device, and I've never received that before.

Watching the video made me angry. He wasn’t keeping to the road, drove over sidewalks and doing jumps where people could be....it’s an accident waiting to happen.

I hope they catch the guy. I couldn’t get halfway through the video because I was cringing at his ‘entitled’ driving. Do your crazy stunts off the road, not on public roads. Creep.

Ive been married for over 5 years, I'm not any closer to understanding women or my wife. I just nod my head silently and agree half the time.