zen weapons

Seriously, she was the only one that made that sketch worth watching.

Not surprised this got a C-. Did anyone notice they had a sketch about liking Taylor Swift and then there was an ad for her new album? Dunno if they were linked or not… So many mess ups this week, I guess that's the appeal of a live show is catching a train wreck.

I've been saying this guy looks like a young Scott Biao ever since I saw him on Mindy.

I wouldn't mind the lack of making a strong political point (it's not something every episode needs to do) but this episode was just not funny. It had some elements of funny but I didn't really find any of the bush stuff entertaining. I like seeing the kids act like kids and this is something they would do (or I

I'm going to agree here. There is definitely something lacking because of missing dynamic between everyone but it did something entirely different. I think it came out pretty well though there are very good episodes and not so good episodes (She's not a factor in the not so good episodes coincidentally). I was also

That's the best part is that Judy was just some other kid. I just did some very sad research. She went up to her room and never returned at the end of the 4th season. 3J appeared in Season 8 (episode 5) and Family Matters only had a 9 season run. The end of the sketch mentioned Family Matters ran for an additional

My friend and I had to wonder if "the other kid" in the Family Matters sketch they were referring to was Judy or 3J. After the reveal that the show continued for 6 more seasons we realized it was definitely Judy. 3J is just way too obscure for me to want to admit to being aware of. At least I stopped watching the

That's what I'm wondering, the review has a B+ while this is an A-, how is it that big of a difference? I remember enjoying the episode and being impressed by him as a host. The stuttering drill sargent, ryan lochte, amish website, puppet sketch and the one with nasim were all memorable to me.

He definitely reminded me of Tim Robinson as far as SNL trying to hire a weird, young looking guy. I also thought he looked very strange whenever I saw his face on 7 minutes in heaven but over time he really grew on me as a pretty handsome guy. I really liked him on SNL so I'm sad he's gone but at least he showed up

I was expecting something also, it felt a bit long and left me guessing. After watching it a second time it was hard not to get emotional during it though.

Yea, I may be confusing this with Mood Indigo in which case I'm waiting for the US cut of that.

Very divisive movie, got a pretty good review from MovieBob the other day. I enjoyed it when I saw it, I probably didn't see the US version.. are there different cuts for different markets? I'd give it a B- mainly because I feel there's been a lack of movies like these lately. I wish they showed more of the outside

That's how I felt, I couldn't tell if it was just because her character is supposed to be a useless flake or because they couldn't write her. I stopped caring that Ryan couldn't get with her though because she just became so boring and unlikable, perhaps that's intentional. This happened long ago though and it's a

HIMYM is the only evidence I have in recent memory that I can like CBS sitcom. That's the only thing giving me faith in this announcement. I can't really remember something I liked on CBS that was even canceled prematurely but this may be that case.

It could be good in which case it will probably be canceled because it won't appeal to the CBS audience. It could also be a shit stain on their reputation because it's a multi-camera sitcom appealing to viewers on CBS.

So far Louie and Wilfred are the two shows to give me major anxiety attacks most frequently, congrats FX.

At first I may have been disappointed they didn't end up together, then I remembered I haven't really found her likable in the longest time. She kind of lost her personality and I don't know if it's the writing of the show just using her as a plot device but I ended up finding Drew more likable (until he bought that

I always thought Drew was still a likable nice guy but when he bought that replacement dog I was like damn man, fuck Drew.

Same, it feels crazy that it hasn't come out yet. I really enjoyed it but yea it's probably not 22 Jump Street (haven't seen it yet) and for sure not Hot Fuzz. Natasha Leggero and Keegan-Michael Key are great in their bit parts.

I feel like most of the segments end this way, there's so many questions I'm left with but I guess that's the genius of being left wanting more rather than feeling like something dragged. I had to check the CC website just to make sure my DVR didn't cut off the episode.