zen weapons

Really I think it was just the George Sr and Lucille episodes that primarily brought the season down. Some of the early Lindsay and Michael stuff too but later in the season those paid off really well. GOB and Buster episodes were great, if anything I needed more Buster.

Wright definitely doesn't get as much credit as he deserves, he's kind of the George Harrison of the group where he didn't have as much output creatively but when he did it was always solid.

Everything from the 80s manages to sound even more dated than stuff older than it, even MLOR is dated sounding. I do love me some Division Bell though. I respect what Waters does with his concept albums and lyrics so yes he gets more credit when it comes to ambition but when it comes to something actually listenable

This is correct. I tried to get into Roger Waters stuff but it's rough, I will admit I was surprised that I enjoyed Amused but part of that may be related to Jeff Beck on the guitar?

I thought he was going to ask the mechanic if he really liked the cookies.

This was the first movie I saw in the theater with a girl, my 7th grade girlfriend at the time. We had to get tickets to some family movie that was out at the time and then sneak into it. We were late so I missed the intro part where they explain the entire plot, apparently this was for the best. I wasn't really

I read that they were originally writing it that way many years ago, it sounds like it developed for the better over time.

This difference between this and Date Movie is where those movies will typically go "I'll have what she's having, amirite?" (probably while someone has an orgasm taking a dump) this one isn't going to specifically quote scenes word for word expecting that to be funny by itself.

Shame, this was the only show of his I still watched.

I think The Middle has a better sibling relationship than Modern Family. I never had a sister growing up but I imagine Axel and Sue as my wife and her brother so it makes more enjoyable for me. I think the Sue character is more original than any of the MF characters as well. The whole series hinges on the two of

I enjoyed the movie a lot more when I read the dialogue rather than having to sit through it continuously.

I watch the show and I'm mixed about it but I can still enjoy it. I listened to one of the podcasts though and I wanted to kill myself halfway through. I picked an episode with people I liked and didn't realize it wouldn't really be them. It felt kind of pointless listening to it because there's nothing substantial

I added the two podcasts I regularly follow on my RSS feed so they pop up whenever a new one is out and if it's a guest I don't care for I don't listen. Since I work from home I have plenty of time to listen to something and it's nice to have something other than music. I marathoned through a ton of WTFs when I

Thanks, I've been listening to it.. this is the closest I've heard Hardwick to his performance on Maron recently. It's painful since he just reminds me of my older brother.
I think I've only listened to 1 hostful before so no wonder I missed it.

I've been a big fan of this show, it's kind of surreal to see stuff on TV that I would read that day on the internet. Usually if a show is internet related it's just clips but @Midnight talks about things beyond that. I was regularly watching this show while working out and I found it pretty good for that, the

What episode of the podcast would this be? I remember hearing they got into a thing but I couldn't find it on the podcast.

His biggest moments so far was doing a pretty amusing dance sketch with Lady Gaga and a Jon Cryer impression

I feel bad for the baaaaad but I'm very happy O'Brien isn't on that list. I honestly think he'd do better than Jost on Update too.

There needs to be a support group for people who were subjected to this thing. There are dozens of us!

I remember this show would come on instead of What Would You Do? I would be pissed that my show wasn't on and this show full of rich assholes was on instead. I'm not sure what happened but eventually I gave it a shot and I was hooked, marathoning whatever episodes were available on Hulu. It became one of the shows I