zen weapons

As much as I love Conan, I think Andy is actually funnier. Conan is great for remote segments, that's really the best thing he does by himself. I love when Andy and him do the remote bits together. Higgins, Andy and Geoff are amazing sidekicks. I REALLY miss Max and Joel (and his lover Toshi) from Late Night

I was hoping to see Mets Bucket Hat guy show up this week.

As crowded as the Late Night scene is, everyone is doing a fantastic job doing their own thing. I'm too young to have experienced Carson or even Letterman in his prime but I love what Colbert, Stewart, Conan, Kimmel, Fallon and Ferguson have all brought to the table.

This is really what turned me on to Fallon. When he was first announced to host Late Night I was kind of skeptical. I didn't hate him but my reaction was "Really?" I never saw him as the type but after seeing his banter with Higgins especially during Thank You Notes.. I was sold. The game show stuff, his vibe and

They're still in that maze? We may all die before they get out of there. http://www.twitch.tv/rngpla… is also horrible/hilarious "This is a experiment/parody of the stream "TwitchPlaysPokemon", a script is randomly pressing Up, Down, Right, Left, A, B and Start. Start has a lower chance of being pressed."

Check it out http://vimeo.com/85903713
It drags a bit in the beginning but there are some batshit insane scenes that I'd recommend throughout.

Every time I saw a preview for this show I would say aloud "Who the fuck is Bethenny" eventually I found out she was a winner of Survivor or Amazing Race or some shit. Then my wife would start asking herself aloud "Who the fuck is Bethenny". Reminds me of the Trading Spouses Chapelle's Show sketch when he's like

Saturday I watched the original, Sunday I saw the Channel 101 Our Robocop Remake and Monday I saw a screening for the 2014 Robocop. I have to say the movie was pretty decent, B is an accurate grade. I'll start by saying it's much better than the Total Recall reboot. It lacks most of the great elements of the

I'm not even a big fan of zombie stuff and It felt like the first time I considered the series to be clever. Then I watched the last episode and I was so baffled about how different the tone was, though I did watch it subbed for a change so I'm not sure if that was a factor but I really enjoyed that one as well.

It's obligatory when discussing Leno, I had to search to see if anyone beat me to it. Not sure if downvoted because people took me serious/didn't get the reference or they hate the reference/Family Guy.

I feel like part of the reason people find him charming is the fact that he's willing to shake a ton of peoples hands in the intro. I haven't watched Leno for years and the other day I caught the beginning, I forgot all about that. I'd love to see a Tonight Show where Howie Mandel is the host and he's contractually

You know, it is so fashionable to take a shot at Jay Leno. Look, the fact is the man is out there every bloody night with fresh material and he's charming.

After the first half of the album it starts to dip a bit so I understand that assessment but otherwise this is a fantastic album and I disagree with giving this a C+

I remember I had to describe to someone who Louis CK was. All that I could think to reference was that he wrote Pootie Tang. To my surprise, they had not only seen Pootie Tang but they loved it.

Donna had little to do but between her facial expression of joy when it is revealed Ben was going to prank them to her WTF reaction when she found out his plan, those moments were a treat.

No specific mention for the return of Louie after a whole year off?

I feel like that's the moment it all clicked for me. I was rewatching Anchorman and I'm like oh yea it's the scene where Jack Black drop kicks Baxter off the bridge because of a burrito….holy shit….was I asleep the first time I saw this?

I was partially reading it until I skimmed some jokes being spoiled.

I've been a fan of the show since the beginning, especially Tina. It's rare to have a Dad on a cartoon sitcom who isn't a selfish buffoon. I think Adult Swim did a great job when they had this show paired up with King of the Hill, I dunno if they still do it though? I was telling my friend that and he agreed