zen weapons

I remember seeing Anchorman for the first time. I was never excited for it based on the previews and when I saw it I felt it was just okay. After seeing it a second time I truly realized how quoteable the movie is. I think Step Brothers is their best follow up to it.
I can't read this review though, gives away too

I have a similar rule but it's a matter of whether or not I was drinking that night. Then I read the reviews the next day and clearly people did not agree (Ed Norton episode)

I heard about this movie after discovering it was where the band Jimkata got their name.

I was just saying the other day I was happy they showed a flashforward of Ted with the Mother but was sad they haven't shown one since. It's almost like someone is listening to all forms of my communication.

I saw this movie around when it released, there was instantly a cult following online (you would see a new topic where someone wanted to tell people to watch this movie like every month.. oh great here we go again the DD thread). I took 2 of my friends to see it at the theater in NYC it debuted at on the 1 year

Sad they didn't enjoy Moon. If you want to fuck with peoples heads maybe Primer?

Indeed it's going to be hard to continue to stay fresh. What made the first couple of seasons great was that they didn't have a catalog of sketches to fall back on and pumped out a ton of original content. Now I'm sure there could be a bit of creative fatigue, even Chapelle couldn't maintain his momentum after 2

Her partner Riki Lindholm was also on television last night, on Super Fun Night (she was actually one of the highlights of the episode)

My only complaint with this season was the high frequency of reoccurring sketches so I'm not sure how I felt about the first sketch but man did the rest of the episode win me over, it just got better as it went on.

What I think Sue and Bobby share is their innocent naivete, confidence and enthusiasm

I'm actually starting to see parallels between The Middle and King of the Hill. The small town setting, the parents and even Sue reminds me of Bobby. I know there have been comparisons made to The Simpsons and Parks and Rec before because of the universe they build.

Look at the majority of male leads on sitcoms, specifically family shows and you see characters like Homer Simpson, Peter Griffin, Fry, etc are the mold which is what also made something like King of the Hill refreshing. I think since the Honeymooners it's always been the trope that the husband is the buffoon and

Of course I forgot Leslie Knope and Brooklyn 99 also seems to do this well but it seems to be more of a trend recently as opposed to most sitcoms of my lifetime. Usually they have that strong quality but they're delegated to support characters and lack elements that make characters like Sue Heck so unique. Of course

I took a while to watch both Modern Family and The Middle.. it took maybe 5 episodes into the first season. I saw maybe one early on of MF and didn't stick with it but later on I gave them both another shot when I realized that ABC was actually becoming relevant when it came to sitcoms. (Last time I watched a show on

Glad I'm not alone thinking this was definitely a solid episode.

I got the Kettle chips since I saw them on sale at Kroger.. but it was in a sale bin so it seemed like an old product that wasn't selling well.  They're okay, I like the maple bacon flavor as I get maple bacon bourbon donuts all the time and I made some  maple bacon chocolate chip cookies recently.  Doesn't sound like

This week seemed to put a lot of attention on the lesser featured cast members.  During Bayer's initial run I thought she was going to be pretty prominent but after they stopped showing the Miley Cyrus Show so much it seemed her momentum fizzled out.  Personally I like her but it appears Taram became the most

Didn't even realize! Makes that moment even better, it wouldn't be HIMYM if there weren't layers and callbacks.

I definitely got teary eyed as well.  My biggest fear for this season was that it wouldn't be enough interaction between Ted and the mother before them just meeting and it ending, but the flash forward technique is a great way to establish their dynamic.