
I'd say the first 3/4 of the Guest wasn't a horror movie. But that last quarter or so, and especially the climax, was straight up slasher movie, no question about it.

Whenever I hear about this project, I imagine a CW teen drama like 90210 except with way more murders and decapitations. Which I honestly wouldn't mind watching.

Yeah, I loved Oberyn. The fact that the marketing made him seem like he was going to be a major force for seasons made the gut punch even harder. That and his screams *shudder*

Personally, I found The Mountain and the Viper to be worse than the Red Wedding. Maybe it was because I knew the wedding would happen, just didn't know the details but holy crap, I went in COMPLETELY blind for that fight. It was the first time Game of Thrones made me physically sick.

I know this is really recent, but the last half of the Bojack Horseman episode "Downer Ending." That whole sequence is incredibly powerful and trippy but then the last minute or so comes and it almost had me in tears. Really cemented the show as one of my favorites of last year, yet it is incredibly hard to watch.

Mako sounded so heartbroken when singing the song that I just lose it everytime. Follow that up with the dedication to that very voice actor, and I turn into a mess.

Almost all of The Comeback is very hard to watch. I have to turn off some episodes multiple times just to get through.

I want to see something like Game of Thrones with a huge cast of characters, lots of politics, and on the edge of your seat excitement, in space.

Yeah, very similar. I wished Linklater for Director, Anderson for Screenplay, and Birdman (or Whiplash, though that wasn't happening), for Picture. Not mad Birdman won all three, just a bit disappointed the love wasn't spread around.

It's funny, I thought I preferred all of the other nominated movies, except those twin Brit bio pics, over Boyhood. But at the end, with Boyhood only getting one win, I felt kinda sad for it. 12 years going into making a movie that was good, not great, but good enough to win something. I was hoping for Linklater to

I asked for Supporting Actress, but great picks for Actor. I haven't seen Nightcrawler or A Most Violent Year yet, though I hope to within the next couple weeks

I personally thought Cumberbatch and Charles Dance were the best in the movie, though I guess Knightley put up a good performance but not a great one.

Just my opinions

I didn't like Mark Ruffalo until the last thirty minutes, when more focus was shifted to him. That's when his gentleness and character really shined. Everything before that seemed awkward to me, though that might have been the writing.

Trying to last minute cram some of the Oscar-nominated films before the ceremony. I know the Oscars aren't the BEST representation of a year in film, but I do get caught up in the spectacle and politics, plus some of the movies are always a delight. I like trying to watch all the nominees before the ceremony and pick

Honestly, I do believe the Oscars mostly got it right this year. Did it suck that a couple of performances were snubbed? Yes, but many of the performances that did make it in are all pretty great in their own right. Michael Keaton, Rosamund Pike, JK Simmons all put in masterful work and the fact that these categories

I wanted to read books I could recommend to my friends. Many of them are non readers or only read YA novels, yet many of the books they recommend to me, I can't stand since its the usual crap. So I wanted to see if there were any books that I would enjoy and then show them.

Funnily enough, I am halfway through His Dark Materials series, currently on Book 2, The Subtle Knife. The Golden Compass is easily my favorite YA novel ever, with complex characters, intriguing themes, and an absolutely grueling pace. That book alone could have easily filled two books, maybe three books in the hands

I have a question about YA fiction and I figure here is the best place to ask it: What are some good YA novels. I'm technically the demographic for YA (16, and yes I'm getting of your lawn) but most of the novels I have read are derivative of a better work (Divergent), failed at what they were trying to do (Looking

I couldn't find/think of any good "N" shows. I personally don't like Naruto but it seemed to be one of my only options.