
"..a bionically enhanced Holly finally rules over a post-apocalyptic, sandworm-ravaged New Mexico wasteland, ruthlessly controlling the distribution of Big Blue Spice"
I would watch the shit out of that!!!!

You're right..  I'm so ashamed….

I could NEVER do that…

"No free tickets, huh?  Well, OK, how about this:  you get to appear in our new pre-feature PSA. You know the one where they tell you to stop talking and silence your cellphones?  Well, now THIS one says also not to shoot anyone.  And it has a cute dog in it too."

Y'know - no one forced Alan to sign the original contract with DC in '85.  He just figured that the collection would go out of print, and therefore he'd get the rights to the characters.  Unluckily for him, and luckily for everyone else, he and Dave Gibbons created what is considered to be one of the best novels of