
Is this the best opening line ever for a song? “You think you’re gonna take her away/With your money and your cocaine”

“Bart! They said you was hung!”

The movies opening credits to Dylan’s “The Times They Are a-Changin” was really, really good. I was psyched. Then the movie... let me down. But Lindelof has built up a lot of good will with me since The Leftovers (seriously, as a whole, the 2nd best TV series of the last decade) - so- here’s hopin’


As long as every episode ends with the real killer admitting on the stand or from the gallery that they did it, it’s all good!

Truly- Kinja is the Upsidedown

I’m just posting to see if it works. Because, i tried once, and it looked like it worked. But it didn’t work.

You Maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!

…And then, the murders began…

Remember, Arizona didn't ratify MLK day as a holiday - As Chris Rock said- "You have to be a hard-core racist to not want a day off from WORK!"

truly - we are in the end of days…

"And I need you more than want you
And I want you for all time"

"Rabble Rabble Rabble Rabble"

"Chaos is a ladder"

And then, the murders began…

my cast-

Speaking of Make a Wish - the article below is on Cracked today - look at #3. Man, that's horrible…

I think Starlight would be a good 8 episode TV show

I thought he shot Dark Knight Rises without a script…

Please Aaron McGruder - have there be a restaurant chain called "The Itis"