
We're mostly on the same page here. Only middle-brow taste needs to disown genre and cling to concepts like literary fiction and serious film. And so on. But you can't go saying that shit about Multiplicity. It might not be the best thing Harold Ramis ever made — that would be a draw between Groundhog Day and The Ice

The only reason Birdman won Best Picture is because it's about the anxieties actors and directors feel about movies becoming more focused on brands and franchises. Riggan/Keaton is supposed to be a cautionary tale about how a talented actor made a Faustian deal to play a superhero and ended up living in obscurity.

Here's the thing with this specific crop of concept artists: where are they getting their inspiration?

That is utterly terrifying.

But banning Skeeter's book outright? No.

They really nail that on the show like during the trial, Christopher is talking of the hell she's put him through and she just smiles to her lawyer "he's making it sound worse than it is" and he gives her "are you kidding me?!" look. Or when he confronts her in jail, she's whispering to calm down and it hits him how

11. Do not make the password to your secure servers the same as the combination to your luggage.

Trying to find something online that explained his process, I found this photo from his studio on Facebook

And it still holds up today. Who doesn't get a silly grin and burst out singing "Twist and Shout" when the parade scene comes on?

The Last Starfighter

Real Genius:

i'm stoked. but the only Terminator movie i actively disliked was 3, because the acting/actors were so very very bad. I still don't understand the hate for Salvation - how can you complain about backstory/retconn in a series of time travel movies?

Translation: "Croatoan"

I know people have complaints about Caitlin and Cisco in The Flash, but I love how Cisco just keeps naming people. Also, Captain Cold totally dug the name Captain Cold.

Sheet metal thong looks uncomfortable.

I don't work in games, but I do work in film. If they are similar at all then the chances that Bungie is going to rewrite and rerecord all the lines with an extremely expensive actor are slim to nil. 'Ehrand' is prob right in that the best we'll get is a filter applied to the final product. Still loved the beta...

Ah, curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!

@zenpoet: For what it's worth, most stem cell applications that have been successful are from adult stem cells which pose no ethical issues. The controversy is over embryonic stem cells, which have produced little research success but are valued for their potential.