
Love the name, by the way. The B side to that single, Take Me With U, is one of my favorites.

I understand that. The difficulty is that no one wants to build more prisons, or jails, or whatever so there is tremendous over crowding. There is no agreement on who should be held for how long. So what happens is that officials have to make a “best guess” on who should be in and who should be out, and surprise,

I don’t believe any group as a whole are morons or geniuses, which is why I pointed my opinion at those voicing specific thoughts. You will notice the word “some” used twice. Not “all” or even “most.” My point was towards those “some.”

It wasn’t a condemnation of the opinions. I hold similar opinions about bad people. The position I took is a request for people to realize that the righteous indignation and calls for immediate justice may be simply voicing an internal thought, but those thoughts when voiced with thousands of others start to have

It is an interesting dichotomy of statements here about Echartea and the gun. Some are asking how he still had a gun, and some are asking how he was still out walking around.

Maybe its me, but I enjoy confronting the dog shit leaving, apple sneezing people.  I have not yet had the opportunity to confront someone being criminal in their touching, but I’ll keep my eyes peeled.  

At first I thought it might be a “protester” doing something with the express purpose of bringing the discussion to the forefront, but then... no. Its still violating a woman, so probably just a really creepy (criminal) guy.

Lawson, 40, got out of the car himself and declined any medical treatment. He then hopped a guardrail, vaulted an oncoming Land Rover Discovery, and ran off into the middle distance.” 

I agree with everyone here who says this is infuriating, and points out how little black women and girls are valued.

That pretty much sums up his entire reason for anger.

How many times has the proof of concept been perfect? How many “concept” cars never leave the showfloor because they are too out there? Or they are just made of modeling clay?

I like to think that people are inherently good, and give them the benefit of the doubt.  But it just cannot be done here.  

We all understand that what he did would have been the final scene of every romantic comedy ever, and the woman would have been so wowed that she took him back.

Within the last year, I listened to a speech by Nugent. It was funny. He called this the “year of the scrotum” and that everyone just needs to sack up.

To be perfectly fair, Traders are not well known for being decent human beings in the first place, so to assume they are going to “do the right thing” because of someone’s feelings is a bit short sighted.

This is off topic of this putz, but on topic for hugging. Generally, I am very wary of the whole hugging in a professional setting thing. As a male, I certainly don’t initiate hugs with new female colleagues, but find that in my line of work, many of women hug as a means of hello or good bye.

This seems to come up everytime a celebrity dies. An author/blogger/talking head share a story about their personal life that the famous person had an impact on. Inevevitalby, someone comments about how they have now turned the death to a story about them, and not about the deceased.

I belong to a group that is usually made up of older white men (there are exceptions of black men, younger women, and now younger white men) but of this group, it is generally older white dudes.

Agreed. There is absolutley a difference between

Animals cannot be murdered. Only people can be murdered.