
Wow. Are you sure you read my statement properly? Or maybe you’re just looking to argue something that was never stated?

Good. Here’s hoping the dude who passed Barriss the address receives similar charges.

There’s, “Oh, I’m trolling for the LOLz,” and then there’s SWATting. You call in an armed response team, you have to know there’s the potential for something to go wrong—and if you contact someone else to have them do it for you, then

Now playing

Maybe as far as movies go...but the best Robin Hood by far is from Time Bandits:

Glad you enjoyed it and got inspired to paint your helmet. Send us some photos on Facebook when you get it done!! I was surprised at how easy it was too.

Self driving cars is were its at for me, I want to get some work done or catch up on some YouTube when I have to commute into the office. If I want to drive for fun I will have a car for that and I will find interesting roads to drive.

In a crash I don’t want your dumb ass flying into the front and killing me with your stupid. In a roll over that can happen.

Step one: keep decals

Also no love for Gary Oldman’s Fifth Element character, Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg.

They mostly comment a night. Mostly.

I kinda like Zander. I mean, he’s a smarmy asshole, but everyone else in the movie is a brainwashed thug, so he kinda stands out to me.

I’m pissed off at you because I hit you and damaged my car.

It’s a fifty spot shy of $2,500 with AWD and seats 6 with a curb side sliding door or take out the seats and it can haul massive quantities of stuffs... NP what’s not to like? Winter’s coming, get a friend, quit your job, drive out West and live that dream of being ski bums, living out of the back of a van and

I actually think this is just to increase viewership for their show. I saw the movie yesterday at a screening and it was astonishingly good. Its very similar to Wonder Woman. The characters are the best aspect of this movie. Ezra and Ray are the two big standouts in the movie. Batman takes the darker aspects of BvS

You forgot “criminal.”

Maybe, but it also looks like they were sucker punches that the strength coach never saw coming.

For all the praise that Dark Knight Returns gets, I thought Year One blew it out the water.

Year One: So goooooooood.

Required in any discussion of Jim Gordon as a badass.

I keep hearing about how only a small percentage of cops are problems, and that on the whole, they’re no worse than the general population. This is bullshit.

Shit, just give the FF to Brad Bird.