
I agree she should not have been harassed by flight staff, but you telling another passenger to mind their business when they’re in proximity to one another isn’t right. What I meant was it should have been passenger-to-passenger comments about their issues instead of trying to get her in trouble. If people think she

Yeah, there’s a reason that people of Wal-mart has a website people go to feel better about their own appearance. You ask people to mind their business, but take pride in your appearance if you expect people to be courteous. Otherwise, face the ridicule like a big boy/girl.

I’m far, far more attracted to the P72. Sorry, Scuderia.

I see you actually paid attention. The guy DEFINITELY tailgated into the building, not just standing outside like so many people here with their pearls clutched over the “racism” on display seem to believe. If he had stayed outside maybe this would have been avoided completely, but he tried to walk in while someone

Common sense is excluded from Conservatism... so in a sense you’re right?

I prefer his food articles.

Ewww. Why would anyone do such an atrocious act?

This is almost some copypasta.

I saw my first Gladiator (same color) in the flesh yesterday while traveling on i65 from Floribama to Tennessee. I was impressed.

We need a Riley Freeman right now.

Yeah, look out for more attacks coming towards people who support rural viewpoints. Stay in your lane if you don’t want to get caught up in an attack.

I can probably give you at least one role each has played in a way that impressed me - a random whose parents owned a small string of video rental stores in the eighties and early nineties. I owe a lot of my love of music existing outside the mainstream mainly due to films with obscure soundtracks. Looking at you John

We should fight back but our methodology is passive, at best. It’s not going to affect the change we desire. New techniques are required before we will regain control over our country.

That Z, yes... but what about the X? What happened there?

You deranged, delusional imbecile. Your belief is your downfall, but blame everyone else for your failings... that’s your reality.

Because they have the guns, they know they can make the rules. ASK THEM IF I’M LYING.

I’m all for doxxing these people. I know we shouldn’t make lists of undesirables as that sounds too close to a ... right wing thing... but this literal deplorable needs to be shunned FOR. EVER.

My O face appeared inexplicably.

I haven’t replayed any of the BG saga in ten years and so I had no idea it was still being modded today. That’s impressive. I’ve honestly only ever enjoyed vanilla BG.

Remind me again what ruleset BG and BGII followed... 2? 2.5?