Is that Marc Rebillet?
Is that Marc Rebillet?
It’s almost like we should admire a person for who they are and not what they look like...
Lion King is gonna flop like Avatar flopped.
I love the idiots chanting in “USA!” in that video of him tossing his credentials. Like, yeah, guy, we know this is the USA. We’re at the GOP convention.
Maybe they’re talking about the material with which the body is constructed - it’s debuting a new composite made from the bones of the poor.
I’m not dismissing you because it’ll help others before they want to share this faux outrage. I’m saying the world is going to change, and will be better for it simply by virtue of enabling those who aren’t. If you want to take it as an assault on your tactile feelings... that’s on you. There will be many hurdles,…
Time is what it’s about. I’d like the ability to remain mobile into my eighties and nineties without having to put everyone else in danger because I’m an old fuck. If it happens in my lifetime, cool... maybe save some lives. If it doesn’t, also cool BECAUSE WE KNOW IT’S COMING.
They can pry the wheel from your cold, dead fingers... amirite?
Look, creepers, I love to drive, too. I just know the future isn’t me getting my way so stop trying to be dickheads and accept the inevitably of progress. It’s what we want, isn’t it? The world to turn into a better place? You know the future isn’t US driving, despite our love of cars and the culture. In a generation…
LOL @ anyone who thinks they should grasp the wheel until their dying breath. Do you have any concept of your future? Because your contrary desire to progress is remarkably similar to the right-wing pundits who won’t give up their guns or babies for you to kill.
The president’s fixation has led to real changes in the wall’s design, such as its 30-foot height. After the administration spent $3 million on prototypes, officials say they settled on the higher design.
I was around 11 or 12 years old and seated in a car patiently waiting while my mother and kid brother were shopping in The Children’s Place at the Goodlettsville, TN outlets mall. From my perch in the front passenger seat I noticed a friend of mine from school going into the store with his mom. I quickly rolled down…
It’s going to take more than words and angry genuflection.
This is actually brilliant.
It seems fair since that’s how they look at us.
“After Garner died, Pantaleo was placed on desk duty and has been collecting an NYPD check since.”
Kulture could go either way, though...
Actually, no religion is the world’s largest religion group. Pushing the bible will get you eaten alive in many parts of the world, figuratively and literally. As it should be.
It’s like you think we don’t know who Ben Shapiro is or something... why come here to make obvious lies in the comments?