I am Tyler's passive-aggressive email.
I am Tyler's passive-aggressive email.
All of these things are fair and rational requests to make. Can't see any reason anyone would have a problem with any of them.
To me, it's not peter vs. miles, it's Donald Glover as peter.
Too early to say Donald Glover for Spiderman again?
SFV looks exactly the same as IV, what is there to be hyped about?
It's Pop, you hear me? POP. Soda is for coastal degenerates, and Coke is for Civil War losers.
Considering the anime is the source for Ash, that's not really what happens. They seem to be in a kind of stasis in the ball, he treats them like family, and they get more food then Ash does on a regular basis. Also, he's a kid, doing what every adult ever has done or tells him to do. Maybe if he ever grows up you can…
it's hilarious how you law enforcement apologists don't think the police ever do anything wrong and are free to shoot whoever they see fit. one of her friends hit him with a purse. that's hardly grounds to fire shots into a car with kids in it in what was most likely a busy parking lot. pretentious, much?
"They tried to steal from a store and when caught, they ran away instead of following the directions of the security guard"
He put himself between the diver's seat and the car door. You're telling me he was practically inside the vehicle and had no idea there were kids in there?
So you and spouse are proud of being thieves but very angry at other people for being thieves.... ok then.
He was not in uniform. He was dressed as a security guard and simply telling the woman he was a cop. If a security guard was chasing after you, blocking your car, had a gun, and was telling you "I'm a cop"- would you believe him? I wouldn't.
First of all, simmer down, no need to curse. Second of all, shooting to kill is when you are in imminent danger (even if he was, which seems unclear, shooting at a driver in a moving vehicle is not a good way to protect yourself from getting hit). They are trained to stop the threat, not told to aim specifically to…
And that's ok? Fuck this noise...if this were a white woman you all would be arguing that this guy should get the death penalty.
I'm sorry, were you trying to paint yourself as being on the moral high ground here? Just because she did something illegal and wrong, doesn't mean that you get a free pass on taking her stuff. Technically since she dropped the knapsack she can't prosecute you, but seriously. Didn't your mother ever teach you that two…
"Police officers are not trained to shoot to disarm or injure. They are trained to shoot to kill."
"Whether or not this officer's life was truly in danger is debatable"