Admit it: you’ve done this at least once. Curiosity on Craigslist has led you to search for one of the internet’s…
Admit it: you’ve done this at least once. Curiosity on Craigslist has led you to search for one of the internet’s…
I had an ‘85 Audi 4000. Worst. Car. Ever. My wife will still spit and do the evil eye sign when she sees the 4 circles. She doesn’t even like the olympics because their 5 circles is too close.
So you’re saying that a homogenous society with a small land mass has a completely different economic culture from a heterogenous society with a large land mass? Thats what it boils down to. No knock against you, Kat, you broke it down perfectly.
I believe pulling a Ferrari is throwing a tantrum and crashing into another car after the race or get a race canceled so you dont lose a points championship to the Cobra Daytona, or to build a limited edition car an limit…
Was really digging that thing until I saw the back end.. :(
I didn’t know until the end that that was a wiggle-wagon. Even more respect to that driver!
Yes. And driving a tandem? Holy shit, this is a pro’s pro. Mad props to this driver.
I was impressed watching it when I thought it was just one trailer when I realized it was mind was blown.
This is every cat I dealt with in 1.5 years working at an animal hospital in high school. Fuck cats.
You can skip the TruCoat.
My 2000 Buick LeSabre cost me $1995.
Come at me
Had a fucktard like this hit and run my car last year.
If you love dogs and cars The Art Of Racing In The Rain is a MUST read! I can’t stress this enough.
What in my comment implied fear of any kind? I’m just enough of an adult to realize that borders and controlling those borders is very instrumental to the survival of a nation. Just because you’re a feelings-first millennial dip shit with no sense of history doesn’t make me afraid, it makes you stupid.
As Google's doodle reminded me, today is International Women's Day. It's kind of alarming how much I rely on…