
Worked breakfast at McDs for 3 years. Hands only and I’d guess I’ve split over 10000 English muffins.

Devil May Cry 4 is now nearly 10 years old. Who’s the next guest character? Maximo?

Canada has 3 events but none west of Toronto so those Cali events would cover western Canada as well.

I still have my old Whalers pennant on the wall and my Mike Liut signed puck in my old room at my parents place. I would buy Whalers stuff in a heartbeat! I need my Whalers coffee mug!

If anyone is interested, it seems that agreed upon PTO is included as accrued vacation. Anyone worried about the distinction should check how a PTO agreement works in your juristiction, it may not be afforded the same protections as state mandated vacation accruals and you could have no legal recourse if you have a

Oh I’m sure they meant DOS.

The loss in this case is, again, how you look at it. If you go into a casino with $40 and only spend $20, does the casino count your visit as a net even for the casino because they didn’t get all your money? Less profit is not a loss, it’s less profit.