
Funny you should say that, I've done a lot of work in the T&A business and Hooters customers were way worse behaved than the gentlemen at the strip club or cam show viewers. I thought Hooters would be like stripping with less acro but it was just as hard for crappier tips and worse treatment. The food service element

"NO, BECAUSE THAT'S NOT THE WAY IT WORKS HERE. WE'RE DIFFERENT! And yes, it's frustrating to explain. But that's the way it is. Blame history, not me."

Yes! I lost serious pounds from post-break-up "too sad to eat" depression. By the next time I saw my ex and his best friend, I was feeling strong and looking hot. The best friend said "Dayum, girl! You lost a shit-ton of weight!" To which I replied (while holding eye-contact with the ex), "Yeah, I had a 180-pound

I disagree, because at the point where it was made VERY clear that his girlfriend would be unhappy in this relationship, it was clear they wanted different things. Its not a relationship when one person is so clearly emotionally distraught and your "dick feelings" take precedence over the emotional pain you are

Dad's a piston, and little kids sure are spark plugs, but shouldn't mom be a cylinder?

A number of years ago, a black cat decided to live with me/I stole a cat from my old neighbor. The cat was missing a couple of teeth and had to have more pulled because his previous owner did not take care of him. In the three years that I owned him, he bit every guy that I dated. He never bit me, my family,

I felt so bad when she finally managed to jump off the dad's lap, only to have that PA shove her back. Everyone knows there's a cat and everyone can see the cat is uncomfortable, just let her be!!

Oh, as a consummate sleeper, Jeremy's getting no judgment from me.

They live in California. This kid was up at at least 3:30am for this, I would fall back asleep too.


If that's your definition of a helmet I have a prime piece of real estate I'd like to sell you.

Make a list.

Ambulances are not federally funded, usually. The Coast Guard is. I think that's the point that the guy was trying to make - we don't insist people pay fees when the police save them from a whatever, or a firefighter saves them from a fire, what makes this any different?

I'm a bonafide cheese lover and I already have (autoimmune, NOT osteo) arthritis. They can pry my cheese from my cold, dead, achy hands.

I switched to almond milk for everything but baking. Never looked back.

I read 'defiled' and almost lost it laughing in the middle of the university library. It's 8:45am and there are a lot of serious and quiet people around...

My microscope set was my favourite toy as a kid. I would go hunting in my backyard for anything to stick under and magnify, I learned so much from that one toy. And it led to an interest in other sets like that; simple chemistry sets, perfume making kits (which was really cool and not as girly as it sounds...a LOT of

Bacon, ruined.

Using the broiler is definitely kind of a secret weapon. :)

Thanks to Alton Brown I knew of the oven method, however if you want to save yourself some time I bake for 8-12 minutes, broil for 5 minutes and then bake to taste.