
Nah, looks like a PP car. Look at the headlights and the finish on parts of the bumper section.

Honda could also just bring the Type R to the US.

Because lawsuits aren't always simple to file, and are usually last resort?

With the way legal proceedings go through, at least in the US not sure about Spain, he may very well have started the process before Schumacher's skiing accident. Especially if he was dealing with a broken wrist, that recovery process, and the red tape involved in getting all his medical bills and the accident


Check your facts before you make yourself look like an ass. If you did a little reading, or payed attention to the video, he wants full reimbursement or a new identical car. Porsche and Lemon Law are only offering him what the used value is. And, with that kind of attitude about certain types of drivers, I don't think

I love how he calls you out for talking out of your ass, yet his only reference is "youtube" and your reference is multiple track days.

Now playing

I found an alternate video with a better exhaust.

Walk through set ups, like the 2005-2010 Honda Odyssey's folding center console/tray design, work great, and provide the best of both worlds.

if you feel the need for a center console just put one in . buy one and do it . for the rest of us it is a horrible idea - since once the manufacturer makes the move it will be impossible to remove - and if it's removable , it will be covered with materials that has to be protected , not left in the garage to gather

Counterpoint: 10' lumber.

Careful, ask the Japanese for angles and you'll get this:

This is why I love Jalopnik. Nowhere else would someone go through the trouble of figuring this out.

Honda called, they want the Accord Coupe's grill back.

Peugeot's most exciting sedan is a Honda Accord?

My abs.

You missed the "polite" drivers that wave you through 4-way stops. No, you have the right of way. You're not being polite to one person, you're just adding confusion to an already annoying situation.

I'm clinging to the hope that the driver could have had a slight moment situation awareness, right between putting his frapuccino in the cup holder and using his bluetooth headset.